Fetches Always Worth it?
Limited forum
Posted on March 4, 2017, 12:31 p.m. by JaceTheSwagSculptor
I own a 360 card cube that consists of the sets Zendikar - Return to Ravnica and M11 - M14. The pack structure currently only has one rare land per pack. In your opinion it it still worth including fetches or are these spots better used for utility lands?
Obtaining fetches is still quite the investment even with the MM17 price drop, so I would just like some opinions first.
See, I don't think you need fetches 100% of the time.
Basically, do you have any graveyard interaction that cares about lands in the bin? (DRS, delirium, revolt, etc)
Do you have any interactions that care about shuffle effects? (Top of deck manipulation without an option to put to bottom etc?)
March 4, 2017 2:07 p.m.
I'd add them in this case because Landfall. I got by as a casual player with Terramorphic Expanse et.AL. but both is maybe even good.
March 4, 2017 2:25 p.m.
readerrw07 says... #5
Id say get them if they fit into a draft archetype (Landfall, delirium, things like that) but just as color fixing I wouldnt bother unless you want them for play outside of cube as well
March 4, 2017 2:31 p.m.
JaceTheSwagSculptor says... #6
Zendikar has landfall, but in the sets I listed delirium and revolt had been introduced yet. Nonetheless, the only thing in the cube that could get lands back is Sun Titan. There are no cards with landfall. Fetches would pretty much just be for fixing.
March 4, 2017 3:24 p.m.
Honestly, at the pace draft goes, I'm not sure a proper fetch matters much compared to Evolving Wilds etc. It's not usually a "t4 - better max out t1 and t2" pace. Utility lands probably matter more for long-haul games with non-optimized decks.
RazortoothMtg says... #2
I would say definitely if you have shocks/BFZ duals, etc that they can fetch, because with fetchlands it encourages some much more interesting decks because people can play more colors consistently.
A friend of mine has a commander cube, and if there weren't fetches/shocks/OG duals, then we'd all be stuck playing boring 2 color decks (which we do sometimes), and you'd never get to see people playing much more interesting 3/4/5 color decks.
If your worried about the price, I would say A) Put in Khans/Onslaught fetches as placeholders until you get them, I know they aren't in your set restriction but since they're just placeholders it could b fine
B) Just proxy them until you can afford them. Cube isn't really competitive, if your friends are OK with it just play with proxied fetches
March 4, 2017 12:52 p.m.