GP testing for Modern Horizon released the same week.
Limited forum
Posted on April 20, 2019, 8:06 p.m. by philktoken8998
Hey everyone, I'm going to participate in the Washington DC Magic Fest and the format is Modern Horizons limited. The set releases THAT weekend so it'll be really hard to get reps in ahead of time in the format.
Any recommendations for how to prepare for this? I'm already pretty experienced in sealed and draft, but not as much in higher powered formats (although I've done some).
Would you recommend doing cubes ahead of time? I don't think I can do masters drafts from previous sets because of the cost, but I thought cube could be ok in the sense of getting reps in with higher power level cards and such. Thanks!
However, that is not a really good idea, since it is not really drafting. Either of two things will happen:
1/ MTGO will be updated in advance, so you can test the weekend prior to the GP.
2/ It will not be updated in time, then you will have to practise drafting without drafting.
To do 2 successfully, you can try several things:
a/ As the cards of the set are revealed - add them to your own pick order list in excel file or such. Then before the tourney, compare with a pro's pick order list and see the gaps and try to identify why.
b/ Use draftsim to do several pick 1, pack 1s. To do that, simulate a booster, pick a single card from it as your P1,P1, then use that same booster as if that card was already in your pile and make a P2, P1.
c/ Identify key commons and uncommons for the major archetypes. Heck, try to identify the archetypes first.
d/ ASK for advice on this forum or others. Lots of people will have different opinions. Collect feedback on certain aspects of the set and examine only those where there is a difference of opinion between yours and other people's.
April 22, 2019 3:31 a.m. Edited.
philktoken8998 says... #4
I just wanted to say thank you for both of you! I think the draftsim is pretty good for sealed to see some of the synergies, combos, and color pairs in general.
shadow63 says... #2 usually has full sets up for draft the day they're fully spoiled
April 21, 2019 6:50 a.m.