How many prereleases should I go to?

Limited forum

Posted on Jan. 12, 2016, 10:45 a.m. by Redninja09

So in the past I have only ever been to one prerelease per set, but this time I'm thinking about doing at least two. However, it cost $25 to go to one prerelease, is it worth it to speed the $50 to go to two? My LGS also does a minors only prerelease, however they only have these on the last day of the prerelease, but there is a regular prerelease right after that. Anyway some suggestions on if it is worth the $50 to attend two prereleases would be fantastic.

GoldGhost012 says... #2

I think it goes without saying that you shouldn't go to prereleases just in the hopes of getting the good or money cards. Just putting that out there.

If you really enjoy Oath's prerelease and you think that your experiences will overshadow any money you care about losing, then I would say to go for it. I personally really like going to prereleases (and hoping for the money cards haha), so if I could afford to make multiple prereleases I probably would.

January 12, 2016 10:58 a.m.

Souljacker says... #3

It entirely depends on wether you enjoy going to multiple prereleases. If you do it for just the cards I'd say that's not worth it. Personally, I've had enough magic for the weekend after going to a prerelease because they are from 11AM through 6PM and I usually play grindy decks so I use all the clock, so not many breaks in between. Also my LGS gives discounts for attending multiple prereleases, but again that's just my situation.

January 12, 2016 11:01 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #4

If you enjoy a Pre, go to all of them. If you want to have value for sure, go to none. If yo want to see the new cards, go to one.

January 12, 2016 11:12 a.m.

JuiceboxHero says... #5

I'd say, for the experience alone and if you have the time, go to as many as you can. They're a great time, and a great way to meet other players.

They're doing a 2-Headed Giant pre-release nearby, so I'll be attending the typical pre-release along with the 2HG one. Really looking forward to it!

For the money, you have a greater chance of pulling Mythics (or at least that is what some guy on YouTube told me) per dollar spent. Overall, though, it's more the experience than anything else.

January 12, 2016 11:28 a.m.

My LGS does a 3-day pre release, $25 for one day or $55 for the whole weekend. I've already reserved my spot for the whole weekend.

January 12, 2016 12:51 p.m.

ork_mcgork says... #7

I usually always find it worthwhile to do two prerelease events. For $50 you're getting 12 packs + 2 promos + whatever you can win. Furthermore, you're actually getting to play with the cards so that adds some value to them (when else would you do sealed? (rhetorical question)).

Of course, my FLGS does 4 rounds, and then you get 5 packs for 4-0, 3 packs for 3-1, and 1 pack for any record worse than that (as long as you play two rounds), so you're always walking away with a pack for playing. I know that other places do 5 rounds (or more) and that also factors in. I do two events every time which takes up all day Saturday and then I'm magic'd out until launch party haha.

January 12, 2016 1:38 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #8

I typically do 1 and if I enjoy the set I might do 2. Going to the midnight release is the most fun and draws a good crowd here in Denver.

Edit: My LGS does 4 rounds + a deck construction round. Every round is a pack round, so if you scrub you are still playing for prize every round.

January 12, 2016 6:28 p.m. Edited.

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