Just Finished up my First Draft!

Limited forum

Posted on April 3, 2015, 2:38 a.m. by JTetris11

Hey everybody,

Just got done playing in my first draft and I really do enjoy draft so much more than sealed I found out! I got to first pick Surrak, the Hunt Caller and basically read some signals down the draft that white was open as a secondary color so I cut green hard in pack 1, got immediately rewarded pack 2, and pack 3 picked up some solid white cards and lands for a basically free splash in blue along with my secondary white. Anyway! The point was I had alot of fun and will remember this draft very fondly as my first draft! Anybody else have some fun first draft stories?

ChiefBell says... #2

I thoroughly recommend drafting people's cubes. A cube is a collection of cards to be drafted that a player makes up themselves, usually numbering 450 cards or so. It's a fantastic experience because the designer of the cube can tailor the colours to do what they wish. One person's cube may have red play a heavy aggro theme with Goblin Guide and Lightning Bolt. Another may have red emphasise midrange options with Hellkite Overlord or Stormbreath Dragon. A well designed cube that has equal representation for aggro, midrange, and control is a fantastic thing to draft and I've had a lot of fun with them.

My fondest memory is drafting Selesnya midrange with my friends cube. Ending up with Garruk, Primal Hunter, Giant Adephage, Eternal Witness, Armada Wurm, Oblivion Ring, Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile. That was such a blast to play. This particular cube I was drafting at the time was highly powered - so it didn't even do /that/ well. But regardless it was great fun.

April 3, 2015 10:38 a.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #3

My first draft experience was after my first ever Sealed event, and both times it was the Gatecrash set. I was pretty nervous and not sure what to do, but playing Sealed really helped me familiarize with the cards, so I took as many Extort cards as I could, starting with a Treasury Thrull and continung with cards like Kingpin's Pet and Basilica Guards as I could get, and ended up splashing blue for Mortus Strider, Dinrova Horror and Soul Ransom. Went 3-0 and won my pod, which was a wonderful surprise! On reflection, the deck I had built was an absolute beast.

On ChiefBell's point on Cubes, I am in fact drafting my Super Multicolour Cube Of Deadly Death tomorrow IRL. It is themed around gold and hybrid cards and cost me about 80 to 100 quid or so to build. Theoretically, you could build a Cube out of cards from your cllection (say, commons and uncommons and rares you don't use).

April 3, 2015 11:19 a.m.

HolyFalcon says... #4

I once drafted Mardu splash blue for Mantis Rider. It was awesome. Butcher of the Horde, End Hostilities,Seeker of the Ways little bro, aka Jeskai Student, and Debilitating Injury, which is a very good draft card in triple KTK drafts. Deck completely wrecked, 3-0. My friend enjoyed taking the Seeker of the Way and Monastery Swiftspear from the table, knowing I would play Mardu Aggro.

April 3, 2015 1:02 p.m.

HolyFalcon says... #5

My first draft I was ok, cant remember what i drafted though. Went something like 2-2, pulled a Wingmate Roc from my prize packs, then traded it in for some boosters, got a Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker from those boosters, then traded him in for some packs, got a Bloodstained Mire from him, and accidentally dropped it in my sink.

April 3, 2015 1:04 p.m.

Derpachus says... #6

My first draft was Theros Block, running a heavy G/W aggro and placing second going 3-1. I first picked a Godsend, and everything else fitted in.

April 8, 2015 8:57 a.m.

Rodzo says... #7

The first draft I attended was onslaught block. Nice block to draft, with legions being full-creatures, one could actually play tribal decks in limited at the time. I played goblins :D

Can't exactly remember how I did, but won at least a pair of packs and cracked a Goblin Piledriver :)

April 8, 2015 1:08 p.m.

Egann says... #8

My first time playing magic I played a friend's EDH deck. The second time was to play draft. The friend who was showing me Magic sat me down and explained the lore, the idea of planeswalkers making alliances as they adventured. Then we went to the card shop and he handed me three packs.

And it suddenly clicked; are you going to make friends with that elf over there or pick up that artifact? Did you notice when the adventurer next to you picked up a counter? Draft is about experiencing a little slice of the adventure yourself.

It was...beautiful. To this day I think draft is magic's best format because it's a game creating an experience with gameplay.

April 10, 2015 6:22 p.m.

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