Need help for 4-player draft
Limited forum
Posted on Jan. 25, 2017, 6:11 a.m. by Chandrian
For my birthday my friends got me 12 boosters so that we can do a 4-player draft in the near future.
We plan to do it 2HG-style, so each team member accross of eachother with the oppenents separating us. Afterwards we play it with normal 2HG rules.
My question is: with only 4 people drafting we'll only open 12 boosters... is a pool of cards this small viable? Or would you add a 4th booster/person?
If anyone has any experience with this I'll gladly hear it (fyi as it's a birthday gift I get to keep all the cards, so there's no prize support)
Drafting with less people is not optimal, unless you are drafting cube where everything is powerful.
I would suggest to use a variant of drafting that is good for less people.I would use the simple Rotissiserie:
1/ Lay out every card from every booster and sort it by color/mana cost.
2/ Each player picks a card in the snake order:
Fast and easy to do and works great with small amounts of people and pools.
3/ ???
4/ Profit!
make sure only 1 person on a team drafts at the end of the snake (ie. teams should be P1 and P3 vs P2 and P4)
January 25, 2017 9:37 a.m.
BlueMageBrandon says... #4
I did a draft with four people before and we just drafted a fourth booster to have a bigger pool. I really liked the smaller draft and I think it worked fine!
January 25, 2017 9:50 a.m.
ork_mcgork says... #5
I've done several four person drafts and it's ok. I'd second either the rotisserie draft or adding a booster. (rotisserie over another booster since your friends were cool enough to buy you packs to draft with already.)
Don't get me wrong, you'll have a fine enough draft with 3 boosters each but either everyone will have fairly equally weak decks, or a couple people will get lucky and have much more powerful decks.
January 25, 2017 2:45 p.m.
Thanks for the input everyone.I've never heard of rotisserie draft before and it looks fine (altough losing the secret side of draft is a little bit sad).
Since for half the players this is their first sealed/draft I'll have them choose how to proceed.
Whatever the decision, once we've done the draft I feel I'll be able to come up with ideas to improve the draft experience for our playgroup.
January 26, 2017 5:26 a.m.
Winston draft would probably be easier for beginners. I recommend it even higher than the previous suggestion.
Solomon draft is also really cool.
mentor6 says... #2
4 packs sealed. Teammates share card pool.
January 25, 2017 6:40 a.m.