Origins PreRelease Discussion

Limited forum

Posted on July 7, 2015, 12:27 p.m. by sharkudi

With PreRelease for Magic:Origins this weekend, what COLOR are you going to pick, and why?

I'm torn between Black and White, because of the high quality rares in the seeded pack, and the concentration of playables at common (removal!)

Also, calling it now, anybody who plays Gaea's Revenge in their 40 will make the top 8. Is there a way to stop it at the prerelease outside of a well timed Celestial Flare, getting lucky with Wild Instincts, or having a creature with deathtouch?

shuflw says... #2

there are a handful (at least 9?) of 5-power creatures at common/uncommon and other 5-power rares, power boosting combat tricks, Fleshbag Marauder at uncommon, as well as it costing 7 mana. it also doesn't have evasion so it can be chumped all day.

not sure what color i'm going, trying to find the color with the best worst intro pack rare, because i'm sure that's what i'll open.

July 7, 2015 1:21 p.m.

Red, Red, Red, Red and Red. I don't know what the exact promos are, but red has the most consistently strong rares, removal that's second only to black, and most of the good common creatures.

July 7, 2015 3:19 p.m.

TranquilCove says... #4

I'm going for red since I'm salty about mill not being a thing. Acolyte of the Inferno looks great even at uncommon, Prickleboar looks like a BEATING at common, and you've got a reasonable suite of removal. White's removal and tapdown looks so nice though. I'm torn!

July 7, 2015 3:24 p.m.

------ says... #5

Gaea's Revenge is not strong. Look at all the other cards. Deathtouch, sacrifice, regenerate, 5 power, combat tricks, enough 1/1 thopters to shitblock this thing.

It's propably better in 2-headed due to the slower meta.

Red will be very strong. Red deck wins can now actually play longer than 5 turns due to massive card draw action and the vortex thing where you can throw away unnecessary mountains (don't need more than 4 mountains on the field) for a Shock.

July 7, 2015 3:41 p.m.

Chubbub says... #6

Black is busted in 2HG because of Thornbow Archer and Shadows of the Past. They're both insane in 2Hg

July 7, 2015 3:45 p.m.

sharkudi says... #7

There are 9 rares in each color, and only 7 of 9 are a possibility in the seeded pack. I'm guessing here at which cards WON'T be in the seeded packs (based on their power level in Limited). Again, these are just my guesses.

White: Sigil of the Empty Throne + Hallowed Moonlight

Blue: Talent of the Telepath + Jace's Sanctum

Black: Infinite Obliteration + Tainted Remedy

Red: Goblin Piledriver + Chandra's Ignition

Green: Herald of the Pantheon + Nissa's Revelation


July 7, 2015 5:30 p.m.

Named_Tawyny says... #8

I'd be surprised if Talent of the Telepath, Chandra's Ignition, and Nissa's Revelation weren't possible promo rares. All three are pretty fundamental to the growth stories of their respective planeswalkers, which is the line that Wizards is pushing. Talent of the Telepath is the card in the Spell Mastery rare cycle, and the other two detail the moment when they got their Sparks.

Neither Jace's Sanctum nor Tainted Remedy seem particularly overpowered, and they're both very on flavour as well.

July 7, 2015 6:46 p.m.

OP_Magikarp says... #9

I love green in constructed but I'm going to go with white for the prerelease. Just a ton of solid commons and uncommons.

July 7, 2015 10:52 p.m.

Gullip says... #10

deals acolyte of the Inferno the 2 dmg before the combat dmg??so any 2 toughness creature blocking him dies to his ability before it has a Chance to kill him???

July 10, 2015 6:37 p.m.

OP_Magikarp says... #11

Gullip yes that is correct. Just for a creature to survive blocking it, the creature will have to have at least 4 toughness

July 10, 2015 10:28 p.m.

Spootyone says... #12

I'm going green because trees run through my veins. That, and I have my rage-speech prepared for when I open the great aurora.

Good luck everyone!

July 10, 2015 11:23 p.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #13

Chose white. Really hoping for Gideon. White has a few different ways to go and is pretty versatile with other colors. Starfield of Nyx in limited though... I say nay nay.

July 10, 2015 11:35 p.m.

Gullip says... #14

ty magikarp!

July 11, 2015 6:17 a.m.

sharkudi says... #15

Ran with white for the midnight prerelease. Got Knight of the White Orchid as my seeded rare. one of the 3 white seeded rares i didn't want. It only netted me 1 plains over 4 rounds!

got 3x Suppression Bonds and 3x Reave Soul with a Archangel of Tithes and Gilt-Leaf Winnower as my main threats. went 6 - 1 over the first 3 rounds and then lost to a super aggressive Boros aggro deck that burned me out games 2 & 3. i probably should have side-boarded into a lower curve by dropping black and adding blue to gain bounce for all the aura's he was running. it was also 4:30am by this time, meaning i was up for 24 straight hours, and definetly made a few blocking errors that round.

overall 3 - 1 with White/Black. I have 3 more prerelease events left. I'll let y'all know how i do right here. thinking green, red, and black to mix it up.

July 11, 2015 11:50 a.m.

TheGamer says... #16

I wont be attending pre-release do to things occurring in my life, but I would probably go blue or green, but play both no matter what I choose. All I play is control so I would choose blue, and I would really want to force elves :)

July 11, 2015 12:24 p.m.

Named_Tawyny says... #17

Just got back from my first pre-relase of Origins. Played White (got Kytheon's Irregulars as my promo.

Ran White-Blue (although I nearly went Blue-Black) flyers/renown and rocked it hard. No small drops at all, but once things got going, they ran. Mizzium Meddler saved me on a few occasions. 3-1, losing in the last round.

July 11, 2015 4:25 p.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #18

Ran white, seeded rare was Kytheon's Irregulars:( no Gideon. Cracked a Chandra though and traded it to someone who was hoping for it. Tried pushing Tri color Jeskai, should have gone Duel color R/W instead. Went 2/1,0/2,0/2 got 2 prize packs of it and overall fun for the day. Best value card I got out if it was Day's Undoing I think.

July 11, 2015 5:51 p.m. Edited.

sharkudi says... #19

Great updates! Thanks for sharing!

just got back from 11 hours of playing Magic.

Played black splashing green for my 2nd prerelease. Got really lucky and won the first 3 rounds before losing the last 2. Still got some prize packs. Dark Petition was my seeded rare. I pulled it after the first round as it was left stranded in my hand both games.

For the 3rd prelease, i went with red. Scab-Clan Berserker was my seeded rare. had a really nice Boros Aggro/Burn deck with the top of the curve being at 4CMC and i ran just 16 lands. i opened 2 non-foil Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip in my regular packs, which easily got me to 4-0 before drawing in the 5th round to split 1st 4 ways.

4th and last prerelease is tomorrow at noon. Should i play Green? (Blue sucks here) or should i pick one the other packs again?

Thanks for all the comments and prerelease stories!

July 12, 2015 2:26 a.m.

Ran white with Hixus, Prison Warden as my seeded rare.

I couldn't resist running a janky white/blue prison deck with Suppression Bonds, Claustrophobia and Celestial Flare while relying on my weenie flyers to bring me home.

Glad all my match ups were happy to intentionally draw, or I would have walked away with no prize packs

July 12, 2015 3:11 a.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #21

Just one prerelease here, I went with the Gideon box. It did not treat me well, most of my rares weren't limited playable and there was a weird color mix. The end result was a super-grindy Abzan... thing... which just made games go on, and on, and on. Ended up going 2-2. If I'd done the mana base correctly that probably would have been 3-1, but oh well.

Got Vryn Wingmare as my seeded rare. Took one look at my card pool and went "Well... that's pretty useless!". I pulled an Erebos's Titan (you need better proofreaders, WotC!), which would have been great if was running mainly black. Which I wasn't.

July 12, 2015 1:07 p.m.

sharkudi says... #22

final update: picked Green for my 4th and last one. Pulled a Foil Jace, but only had 4 other playable blue cards in my pool. Had a really strong white, with lots of good uncommons. My deck was G/W Renown beats, and i didn't play a single rare since i got Evolutionary Leap as my promo, and none of the rest of my rares were White or Green!

Went 3-1 (again) with my loss in the final round against another G/W deck, but he had a bunch of rares. Gaea's Revenge was simply unbeatable and owned me the 2nd and 3rd games by itself, even though I had 5 answer cards for it in my deck in Celestial Flare, Skysnare Spider, 2x Titanic Growth, and Wild Instincts. This was the only time I played against Gaea's Revenge and I totally nailed that it is a house in sealed/Limited.

Overall i got $15 store credit, a really nice EDH box, a new Origins themed trade binder (mine was falling apart), and 18 booster packs on top of all 4 prerelease box contents. Not bad for my $95 input for the weekend.

how did y'all end up doing?

July 12, 2015 8:40 p.m. Edited.

Baltec says... #23

I picked black and got Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip as my promo. Other notables from my box were Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, The Great Aurora and Evolutionary Leap. I went B/G and went 4-0 and then split for first. Notables from my prize packs were Hallowed Moonlight and Woodland Bellower.

July 12, 2015 9:12 p.m.

I did 1 prerelease, and went blue. My seeded rare was Mizzium Meddler.

I ended up running a cool /Simic control/card advantage deck. It had a pretty nice curve, but my creatures weren't that large. But the reason behind that is because they had some great ETB effects (2x Separatist Voidmage, 2x Llanowar Empath, etc.) Some other notable commons and uncommons were Jhessian Thief, Bounding Krasis, Skysnare Spider, Valeron Wardens, 2x Hydrolash (that card is REALLY good), Tower Geist, Claustrophobia, Disperse, Yeva's Forcemage, Stratus Walk, Titanic Growth, etc.

My rares-

  1. Outland Colossus: Ran it. Broken in half in Limited. Great combo with Stratus Walk

  2. Mage-Ring Responder: Ran it. In the lategame, if it sticks, it's near impossible to defeat.

  3. Mizzium Meddler: Ran it. OK, don't think I'd run him over a good uncommon.

  4. 2x The Great Aurora. Did not run it. Seems terrible, don't make that mistake. You'll never make it to that amount of mana.

  5. Talent of the Telepath Did not run it. People shouldn't be running that many noncreature spells. But it's Sealed, so maybe it would have been the right decision.

  6. Caves of Koilos. Did not run for obvious reasons.

Game 1, I played a guy who had a midrange deck. I beat him 2-0, the games not being even close. After, he tested with a deck, that was much better. The reason he didn't start with that is cause he didn't have enough removal in the deck.

Game 2, I played a midrange deck with a side of elves. WWe went 2-1, the first game I beat him to death with a Stratus Walking Outland Colossus. The next game dragged out for a long time, but I did not draw a big bomb, and he slowly beat me to 3 with his cards until a Revenant swept in to take me from 3 to -5. It dragged out for 20 minutes, and I survived on the brink for about 10 turns. The third game, I beat him the same way I won the first game. Outland Colossus is ridiculous. I went into the third round 2-0, able to win 6 packs of Origins.

3rd game I played a aggro deck. He opened a lot of good cards, including a Chandra, a Knight of the White Orchid, and an Embermaw Hellion. If I had a threat, he'd Suppression Bonds it. Then he Infectious Bloodlusted my to death while I floundered to block. He topdecked really well, and my deck was weak to aggro in general. Not much I could do about it.

I opened an Erebos's Titan, a Graveblade Marauder, a Scab-Clan Berserker, and, ironically, a Yavimaya Coast in my 4 prize packs. Overall, I was pretty happy with the day.

July 12, 2015 10:24 p.m.

Named_Tawyny says... #25

Seriously? Mizzium Meddler did amazing work for my at my first pre-release. He's a beast.

The look on the dude's face when he swung in at me and cast Titanic Growth before being suddenly faced with a 5/8 blocker. Priceless.

July 12, 2015 10:34 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #26

Did two pre-releases, one on saturday and one on sunday. Got third on saturday with a pool of like 40 people, went 4-1, and got third again on sunday with a pool of over 60, went 5-1.

Was U/G Tempo on Saturday, and G/B curve-out on sunday, and if anyone's interested in the rares I pulled, they are in my binder. Was lucky enough to pull a foil nissa in both of my boxes as the seeded rare/mythic, and she did a ton of work both nights.

July 13, 2015 4:23 p.m.

Goalith says... #27

Went to the Sunday pre-release. Went 2-1-1 and won 4 packs. Built a black splash green beatdown deck cause I pulled like 0 removal in any other color except black.

Won game 1 and 2 against U/W flyers

Lost game 3 to G/R elves. He pulled 15 bloody elves (2 of them were the legendary elf), 4 timberback wolf and a crud ton of red removal. Stomped me to the ground

My opponent and I decided to tie game 4 so we both can get something.

At least I pulled Double Nissa (non-foil) and promo Liliana so I didnt feel too bad about not winning more packs

July 14, 2015 5:33 a.m.

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