
Limited forum

Posted on March 31, 2017, 7:52 a.m. by Typhon_741

OK so my plan is to do the whole prerelease. I have no idea how to prepare. I have done prerelease's before but not the whole thing. Any tips?

Boza says... #2

Normally, this is a place for rules questions, but hey.

"The whole thing" is kind of confusing. There are usually prereleases starting from Friday midnight through Sunday every 3-4 hours at bigger LGSs. If you plan to do the "whole thing", expect to do 10+ events.

A single prerelease event is a sealed MTG tournament. You get a package with 6 packs of Amonkhet, a spindown die, a promo foil mythic/rare card, and some inserts on how to build a deck and other story info (and a box that holds them all).

You have 30-45 minutes after you get your package to open the boosters and build a 40 card (minimum) deck. Decks are usually a mix of creatures, spells and lands. You should play 16-18 lands and the rest is 10-15 creatures and 7- 12 spells. Remember, you can use your promo rare/mythic as part of your deck.

After that, you play a number of rounds (depending on the number of players) in the Swiss system versus others who have done the same. There is a prize structure depending on how many wins you get.

You do not need to bring anything, but I recommend bringing 10 of each basic land and sleeves for the deck. The lands will save you time in deckbuilding, while the sleeves will make shuffling and prevent mucking up the cards.

March 31, 2017 9:31 a.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #3

I tend to go on mtggen and the like and generate sealed pools and build decks from those pools until i can do it in about 26 minutes. I usually spend extra time sleeving, shuffling, building another deck from my pool, shuffling, asking friends about spicy pulls/playtesting against them/goldfishing, shuffling, begin accepting the fact that im going to go x-1, and did i mention shuffling.

Seriously the first couple of hands i usually get is mana screwed or mana flooded so a good amount of time is spent shuffling.

Hope it helps

March 31, 2017 6:07 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #4

TappedOut has this nifty Generate Sealed Pool feature that you could use to practice some deckbuilding with prior to the event.

And a side note, BRING SLEEVES! I brought 50 sleeves, and they were a great idea since I pulled both Disallow and Paradox Engine at the last one.

March 31, 2017 10:14 p.m. Edited.

Homura_Akemi says... #5

Make sure you are prepared when you go. When I go to a prerelease, I will normally bring a backpack with all of my Magic materials (enough sleeves for new cards, playmat, dice, life counters, deck box, etc.) and any other things I may need (water or drinks, snacks, extra money in case I need something at my LGS, and just money to register for the event). Another important thing I bring is my phone. If you have one, then make sure it is fully charged beforehand and/ or bring a portable or normal charger. I use my phone a lot to keep track of life totals, so bring some kind of tracker for that (app already downloaded on phone, pencil and paper, or d20s) if your LGS does not have any for you.

Remember that this event will last around four or more hours and plan your schedule accordingly. The drinks and snacks can be especially important in case you get hungry or thirsty. Good luck!

April 1, 2017 11:12 a.m.

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