Really low budget cube

Limited forum

Posted on June 26, 2017, 4:13 a.m. by Hank_Westpants

So im exploring the possibilities of building a low budget cube I can take with me on holiday. It will be a 2-4 player cube with me being the most experienced player in the group and one beginner, so the skilllevel isn't that high since I'm playing for a couple of months now. I want to spend the smallest amount of money on it while still keeping the cube fun and playable.

I tried googling this but I couldn't find anything on the interwebs.. Will it be a good idea to buy 2 times the commons of let's say shadows over innistrad and 1 time the uncommons and do the same with another set, maybe adding some rares I already own?

Will this give a smooth playable draft or is it going to be a big frustration?

I don't know how often the cube will be used when the holiday is over, that's the reason I don't want to put a lot of money in it.

Are there any options for me if my plan isn't viable or I'm I better off just buying a draft or boosterbox and have some fun with that?

landofMordor says... #2

If I were you, I'd check out Block drafts, which are essentially the ~200 cards in a single set or maybe 400 in a block. So it would be pretty easy to build a Block cube from SOI/EMN, probably, since they're already tuned to draft well. Just ignore the expensive stuff like Emrakul.

October 29, 2017 8:21 p.m.

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