Self-Assembler = wow
Limited forum
Posted on Oct. 23, 2016, 9:19 a.m. by Named_Tawyny
So FNM this week we did a Kaladesh draft. I ended up building B/R with an artifact subtheme. Holy heck, Self-Assembler does amazing work.
I ended up drafting four of them, which means the value train started in every game I played. T5 (or sometimes 6), enter the Assembler, search, draw an assembler. A 4/4 for that reads 'when ETB, draw gas (which draws you gas)' was very nearly unstoppable.
That said, I'm wondering what the ideal number of self-assemblers is. 2 or less is obviously less than ideal. I was very happy with 4 (I actually passed two more later in the draft), but was wondering if anybody had any experiences playing with 3 or 5?
xtopazinferno says... #3
I've never seen enough of them in a draft to put them in my deck, but I can see them being very powerful in any limited environment.
DaftVader says... #2
3 of them is probably my favourite number, otherwise you just end up too top-heavy. I won all my games with 3 copies of the assembler, but in fairness the rest of the deck was pretty insane too. 2 is still good though.
October 23, 2016 10:18 a.m.