Share your pre-release pool
Limited forum
Posted on Jan. 17, 2015, 10:34 p.m. by Gidgetimer
I like making sealed decks and seeing how different people build from the same pool. My pre-release pool was: Abzan Clan Pre-release
I encourage people to comment on the pool with their builds for it and to post their pools here so that we can do the same with them.
vomdur says... #2
Oh god maybe later I will upload my list that I placed 4th with. It was so bad!!! I went 5 colors my best card was the r/g dragon I got no low drop aggro creatures and 4 removal spells. Horse shoe was lodged way up in there for luck!
Everyone that looked through my pool afterwards laughed and congratulated me! They all agreed I had the worst pool at the tourney!
Pulled an alt art ugin though so win!!
January 17, 2015 11:34 p.m.