Share Your Pre-release Pool (DTK)
Limited forum
Posted on March 23, 2015, 9:05 a.m. by Gidgetimer
This is a bit late, I meant to get it up Saturday morning but have been busy. Anyone who still has their card pool from their pre-release separate or some way to get the exact pool (list or picture or some such) I encourage to make a deck containing the pool and share it here.
Then on the pool pages people can link to decks made from that pool showing how they would build the deck and we can see how different people build from the same pool.
JohnnyBaggins says... #3
Don't have the pool anymore, but I can link my five decks at least.
DTK Prerelease - Silumgar (00.00 am, Saturday)
DTK Prerelease - Atarka (11.00 a.m. Saturday)
DTK Prerelease - Kolaghan (06.00 p.m. Saturday)
DTK Prerelease - Ojutai (00.00 a.m. Sunday)
DTK Prerelease - Kolaghan II (11.00 a.m. Sunday)
March 23, 2015 9:10 a.m.
CampbellStev says... #4
Debated on splashing for black (removal / deathtouch) or white (mainly for the protection as well as the artifact color fixing) but my deck magically had exactly 23 nonland permanents by the time I put the cards I liked together and I was too lazy to have to start adding new cards and then cutting a bunch right after.
March 23, 2015 10:02 a.m.
Gidgetimer says... #5
Gidgetimer's DTK Pool was mine. I'm going to post the deck in the comments of the pool a little later, that took longer than I expected to enter because I had to do other things while entering :/
Saberxbro says... #2
nope nope nope not sharing that since I got nothing of value
March 23, 2015 9:09 a.m.