Thoughts on the pre-release?
Limited forum
Posted on Jan. 11, 2016, 8:20 p.m. by abenz419
So, with this set being geared toward 2-headed giant... do you think your LGS should offer at least 1 2-headed giant event?
There is an obvious power difference in some of the cards in a multiplayer format and a 1v1 format. Most notably the cards with the surge mechanic. So how you evaluate cards will vary depending on what format you play. But, I was thinking that with the set geared toward team play that not playing it that way would greatly take away from the limited experience. I've never actually played 2-headed giant before and when I heard that this set was geared toward that format I was really interested in playing, but I doubt my shop is going to run any because they're afraid some people won't show up (the promote poorly and spend little time/effort advertising events so I doubt they have any real idea whether people are interested or not). So it's a little disappointing that I won't be able to get to experience everything this set has to offer.
So what are your thoughts? Should shops offer at least 1 event that is 2-headed giant so people can get the full limited experience of this set? Also, how do you think it will affect people's experience and expectations for the set? I realize a lot of expectations come from other formats, but pre-releases are obviously the first place people get to play with these cards and it could affect people's perception of the set if it comes off as underwhelming because you don't get to experience the cards as they were intended the first time you see them, especially if you have high expectations for this set.
maximerayvich says... #3
I actually hope that my store does something like monthly sealed two headed giant.
January 11, 2016 9:43 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #4
WotC actually made a statement that every LGS is supposed to have at least 1 2hg event for Oath. Most shops that I've ever been to already do at least one though, some do multiple because it's the best way for you to teach people brand new to the game. It's also usually the best turnout among the prerelease formats here.
I will be going to 2, the midnight solo and then one Saturday doing the 2 headed monster. I'm pumped. UB is looking really nifty, with the cohort cards looking like a trap mechanic into making you play bad cards with a worse mechanic.
January 11, 2016 9:51 p.m.
No my shop doesn't ever do 2-headed giant. They usually just do one and saturday and one on sunday as they tend to take all day. When I asked last friday about it they said half the people they talked to said they wouldn't even show up if it was 2-headed giant. However, like I said, they're not really known for doing their due diligence when it comes to promoting things like this. They typically bring up questions like this last minute at FNM to the same 20-30 people who regularly show up which is hardly indication of what people are interested in as the saturday pre-release can have 60-80 people show up and the sunday one usually gets 40-50 people. Obviously, the majority of these players aren't showing up regularly to FNM. Also, even if they typically don't do a 2-headed giant pre-release, since the set is geared towards it there may be a larger interest than normal. I think it comes down to them only doing 2 events like usual and not wanting their numbers to be lower for either day because they do one as 2-headed giant. I'll have to look into that statement you say WotC made. It would be nice if my shop did a normal pre-release on saturday and did a special 2-headed giant one on sunday because of this set but I doubt that's gonna happen regardless.
January 11, 2016 11:01 p.m.
Karns_Pyromancer says... #6
If the three shops nearest me, I know of one that is doing 2HG and that's the one I'm going to attend. I've not done 2HG at prerelease before (it's never been available) so I'm pretty stoked.
January 12, 2016 12:13 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #7
I can see some ramp and tempo builds being good, but I plan on sticking to the basics. Rely on efficient creatures that curve into bombs on Turns 5-7, with 6-7 powerful utility spells (removal, etc.). Build with synergy if possible, but failing that, build a deck with a reliable mana base that curves into whatever bombs you have in your colors (no more than two). My usual plan is 15-17 creatures, 6-8 removal/utility spells, 17 lands. Decks with fewer top-end bombs and more low-curve Aggro creatures and/or efficient card draw/removal packages can get away with 16 lands.
Synergy is great at Prerelease and you should exploit it in your deck when it's possible to do it effectively and consistently, but not all sealed pools are created equal. Failing an overtly archetypical or synergistic pool, stick to your Limited deckbuilding fundamentals and avoid building a clunky deck with awkward interactions and/or too many late-game pieces. There are plenty of inexperienced players and players who are awful at Limited who go to Prerelease events. In fact, these types are usually the bulk of your competitors. If you follow your fundamentals and back it up with solid play, you should demolish these casuals and secure Top 8 at the very least.
January 12, 2016 2:34 a.m.
Karns_Pyromancer says... #8
JakeHarlow, sound advice. Is OGW 2HG going to have a shared pool do you know?
January 12, 2016 8:03 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #9
If the event is 2HG, then you and you partner may share your sealed pool.
kyuuri117 says... #2
Does your shop not offer two headed giant at every pre-release? The one I go to, as well as most others in the area, all offer 2HG for every single pre-release and release. Sometimes they only get four groups of two, sometimes it's ten. It's pretty popular though, especially if they hold it like two-three hours after a regular sealed event started, so those who didn't do well can drop out and try out 2HG.
And honestly, with this pre-release/release, they might hold 2-3 of them.
January 11, 2016 8:52 p.m. Edited.