Tips of AER Prerelease?
Limited forum
Posted on Jan. 10, 2017, 8:49 p.m. by CheeseBro
Anyone got any good tips for AER Prerelease? Specifically 2HG?
Yeah you share a card pool. The last one I did in eldritch moon was fun and thats basically what we did is one played a control deck with a bunch of removal and I played a creature deck that did the beat downs. The main thing is the games are long and you need to have potent decks because you only play one game so big bombs even expensive mana wise ones are really important so play them.
January 10, 2017 11:18 p.m.
i haven't looked closely at the set yet, but keep an eye out for cards that say "each opponent." those are usually a lot stronger in 2hg than they are in a normal 1v1 game.
January 11, 2017 12:02 a.m.
Some ideas:
- you will have enough cards to make any kind of deck
- you have limited time to assemble decks. Try to put all cards from all packs you open into piles by color; next, sift through the piles and remove jank cards; next, separate the uncommons/rares/mythics from the commons to discern what strategies you have available; work out how to divide those up between the two (ie, an BW Revolt deck for one and GUr Energy deck for the other);
- already mentioned but pay special attention to cards that are better in multiplayer, ie cards that say "each opponent";
- check out how rules work out in multiplayer - can you use your partner's energy counters? Does revolt trigger on your permanents if your partner's stuff dies? etc.
January 11, 2017 3:32 a.m.
I absolutely love 2HG, and have been compiling a bunch of tips. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to share!
Hope you and your partner crack, build, and draw well!
January 11, 2017 11:19 a.m.
Unfortunately, you can't use your partner's Energy counters (life is the only shared resource) and Revolt triggers based on Permanents you control. :-(
January 11, 2017 11:23 a.m. Edited.
Reposting, because I accidentally screwed up the formatting above :-(
- Also, confirm that the matches are only one game, and that you're allowed to sideboard between matches.
- Splashing is easy. More fixing (because there are two pools) + first mulligan free = possible to play all your Rares if you want
- It's often best to choose Draw. Two extra cards + slower games/stalled boards (which make early Lands less relevant) = Choose Draw unless you're both very Aggro.
- Evasion is even more important. More Creatures on board = lots of stalled boards. Menace is much worse but everything else is much better.
- Counterspells are better. I'm quoting here: "With two spell-casting opponents it's less likely you kept mana up for nothing, there are more must-answer bombs overall, and its less problematic if you don't do anything for a turn if your teammate can advance the board."
- Consider hate cards for the maindeck. This is especially true for Flyer hate (in any 2HG game) and Artifact hate (in Kaladesh and Aether Revolt 2HG).
- KLD Rares/Mythics: Fumigate, Demon of Dark Schemes, Cultivator of Blades, Kambal, Consul of Allocation, Captured by the Consulate
- AER Common/Uncommons: Foundry Hornet, Gonti's Machinations, Ironclad Revolutionary, Perilous Predicament, Embraal Gear-Smasher, Welder Automaton
- AER Rares/Mythics: Consulate Crackdown, Herald of Anguish, Dark Intimations
- Be careful with cards that "target creature you control" (instead of just "target creature"), since you can't use them on one of your partner's creatures. This is especially true with combat tricks.
- Communicate with your partner LOTS, but carefully. Knowing your opponents are watching and listening, don't hesitate to bluff. Quoting, "When your opponents attack, you can pause and discuss, as if you were considering killing a creature, when in fact there is nothing in your hand that can do so."
- It's pretty cynical, but worth mentioning: Pay attention to where your opponents are looking as they shuffle your team's decks. It's easy for cheats to turn the cards as they shuffle so they can see your decks.
- kaladesh-2hg-hidden-gems, from
- The Ultimate 2HG Primer, from
January 11, 2017 11:26 a.m. Edited.
AwesomeOctopus says... #9
limited resources set review for AER is out. always a great place to start if you have 5 hours
greyninja says... #2
Do you share a card pool?
One could go control and the other go aggro. Might be fun
January 10, 2017 10:45 p.m.