What Would Be In A "Cute Cube"?

Limited forum

Posted on April 10, 2015, 9:57 a.m. by pookypuppy6

So the other day I came up with the preposterous idea of a Cube made up of the "cutest" cards in Magic. I don't know very many "cute" cards, but it's such a silly theme of drafting a deck that makes you go "d'aaww" that it has to be discussed.

When I think cute cards, Sanctuary Cat and Black Cat come to mind. The original Mirrodin mana myr (Silver Myr, Silver Myr, etc.) and Alloy Myr also spring to mind. Dragon Hatchling in red, Gurmag Angler's derpy smile in black, Reef Worm's little face in blue... what do you guys think would be in a "Cute Cube"?

pookypuppy6 says... #2

Wow, I was clearly not paying attention when listing off Myr. "Yeah, there's Silver Myr and ... uhh... ummm... Silver Myr..."

And again just to clarify, not the Scars of Mirrodin art for Myr such as Leaden Myr and Copper Myr. The original Mirrodin artworks that are TOO CUTE!

April 10, 2015 10:11 a.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #3

Definitely AEther Barrier.

April 10, 2015 12:52 p.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #4

Black Cat isn't cute...

Ive always loved Nyx-Fleece Ram

April 10, 2015 1:04 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #5

Unforgivn_II: It took me a while to find his face, but those eyes are adorable.

April 10, 2015 1:04 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #6

awesomeguy37: We have to take what we get, because honestly there aren't a massive number of cute cards in Magic. Hell, if we did keep high standards, I'd avoid Charging Badger, because it looks surprisingly fearsome and angry rather than cute and non-threatening.

Again, going by those high/picky standards, Nyx-Fleece Ram isn't really...cute, per se. Pretty, definitely, but doesn't immediately strike me as cute.

April 10, 2015 1:09 p.m.

mathimus55 says... #7

How did nobody think of Scute Mob?!? It's got "cute" in its name!!

April 10, 2015 1:17 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #8

Those little critters are adorable. I guess though I always associate Scute Mob with the beetles in The Mummy film that I really don't like and find terrifying.

April 10, 2015 1:40 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #9

Judge's Familiar I think could qualify. He has an inquisitive, almost stange gaze.

Sage Owl meanwhile I've always thought looked really happy. I'm not sure if I'm looking at it right, but it looks like it's giving a delighted, almost delirious meme-smile.

April 10, 2015 1:45 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #11

@jandrobard: Can't believe I forgot about Totally Lost.

Hellkite Hatchling though? I dunno, he does have a smile on his face, and on further reflection he isn't a big dragon, but from the vague background I always assumed he was fairly big and scary.

April 11, 2015 6:21 a.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #12

Jackal Pup looks really angry.

April 11, 2015 7:30 a.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #13

Jackal Pup is like that evil Togepi in that one Pokemon episode where an evil Togepi tries to go to outer space; you think it's cute, but then you look at it closer and it's completely evil.

April 11, 2015 12:49 p.m.

jandrobard says... #14

Crud! I meant the Tempest art, not the Fire and Lightning art!

April 11, 2015 1:43 p.m.

Going to guess that I shouldn't say Little Girl.

April 11, 2015 2:45 p.m.

jandrobard says... #16

April 11, 2015 3:53 p.m.

TheRedMage says... #17

Remember to use the new goblin tokens from DTK if you need goblin tokens. Those are clearly the cutest goblins.

April 12, 2015 8:57 p.m.

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Saffi Eriksdotter, and Chandra, Pyromaster are all cuties. (As well as several other planeswalkers)

April 20, 2015 6:50 p.m.

Abraxnis says... #19

At first I was going to say Kithkin critters are adorable, but now that I look at them more closely they have weird heads and faces and aren't that cute at all. ):

One of my favorite cute cards is Totally Lost.

April 23, 2015 midnight

Silverchase Fox, Watchwolf, original Elves of Deep Shadow, promo Reclamation Sage, Restoration Angel, and Sylvan Safekeeper could all probably make it. (I think they're all cute, but I tend to use cute as a general descriptor that means attractive in the case of humans, so maybe I'm a bit loose.)

April 23, 2015 12:09 a.m.

8bitJesus says... #21

Diminish is the first thing that popped into my mind when you listed examples. Some others include Cultural Exchange, Fledgling Dragon, Goblin Game, Dragon Whelp The Timespiral Bonus one, & Goblin Diplomats The Game Day one.

Also not very "cute", until you read the flavor text. Patrol Hound

I would also put in Curse of the Swine for the Boar token.

May 1, 2015 11:04 p.m.

8bitJesus says... #22

I thought of a few more.

Hyalopterous Lemure, Bouncing Beebles, Bubbling Beebles, Phelddagrif, Deranged Hermit, & Might of Oaks Urza's Legacy version

May 1, 2015 11:21 p.m.

Valentine35 says... #23

May 8, 2015 3:34 a.m.

Oh. Also the new Daybreak Coronet (aka Kitty Sparkles)

May 8, 2015 10:01 a.m.

Ooh! Anything that makes snake tokens, then provide the Zendikar Snakes!

May 10, 2015 1:17 a.m.

jandrobard says... #26

Furnace Brood, Adder-Staff Boggart, Exodus edition Nausea. Sorry if I"m re-saying things.

May 10, 2015 4:37 p.m.

Maringam says... #27

Temur Sabertooth? Any cat ever?

May 10, 2015 8:07 p.m.

Squee, Goblin Nabob (modern art) is adorable, also Squee's Embrace.

May 10, 2015 11:01 p.m.

OP_Magikarp says... #29

Life's Legacy. And isn't Legion Loyalist just the cutest little goblin of terror you've ever seen

May 11, 2015 1:28 a.m.
May 26, 2015 12:34 a.m.

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