Are there any cards you like the name of but not the effects?
Lore forum
Posted on Nov. 14, 2021, 11:11 p.m. by KorandAngels
Mine are Scabland (The tap pain lands aren't good) and Three Visits (Which I associate with the nativity story of the Magi.)
Winter Orb is amazingly flavorful and explains the whole cold-snap set, but that effect should never have been printed
November 15, 2021 3:47 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #4
Almost all of the blue natural-disaster-themed spells. Sudden Storm, Deluge and all of their “tap some creatures” compatriots need to branch out. We need some more High Seas and Displacement Wave weird effects. Maybe some more High Seas action...
Niko9 says... #2
I really like the flavor of Lurrus of the Dream-Den but really don't care for the effects. It's a little too much, you know? I got one in a pack and put it in my W/B mill and reanimator deck, but eventually took it out because it felt awkward to play. Being able to reanimate him with Unearth made it so that if an opponent did have an answer for him, he'd just pop back, and then I'd be able to play another card from the yard with Lurrus. It was kinda harsh. Plus, he has a 3 power body with lifelink and it seems so pushed. If Lurrus was a 1/1 with no lifelink it would still be a very good card.
Might just be me though :) I think it's a good card, but maybe just doesn't play well with a more casual player like me.
November 15, 2021 7:42 a.m.