Innistrad fish people?

Lore forum

Posted on July 11, 2016, 10:30 p.m. by Postmortal_Pop

So the card Behind the Scenes does a rather amphibious looking man up to no good. I'm assuming that, in keeping with its eldrich horror feel, this is a nod to H. P. Lovecraft's Shadows over Innsmouth. I'm wondering if there is a story for this card or if it was just a throw away hint?

Errast says... #2

No Mermen Behind the Scenes on Innistrad unfortunately, just more'mrakul things.

July 11, 2016 10:34 p.m.

Postmortal_Pop says... #3

I was really hoping for a short story about a Dagon cult taking over a walled village from within.

July 11, 2016 10:51 p.m.

GobboE says... #4

There is definitely a Cthulhu / Lovecraft vibe surrounding this set. But I think they can't / will not make it clearer than this, because of a) copyright (if they make the nod more clearer than it is, they might be applicable for copyright fees) b) Wizards wants a standalone universe, no infringements with other universae (other than the 'borrowing' of their myths that is...)

July 12, 2016 4:40 a.m.

During one of the SOI stories they showed that art and referenced it as Liliana's homunculus servant

July 12, 2016 9:50 a.m.

Rayenous says... #6

That is an image of Gared, as read about in Innistrad's Last Hope.

...though he looks more menacing in the artwork than he is made out to be in the story.

July 12, 2016 2:04 p.m. Edited.

stormcry0 says... #7

Just logged in to say, lovecraft's work is now free of royalties and all legal attachments that it may had, since he past away more than 50+1day years ago, and that's the time frame for any creative work to become of free use for the public, so even adding straight out cthulu to innistrad wouldn't have been a problem. That being said, I sorrow the path that "shadow over innsmouth"-set has take, I want to blame the 2-sets paradigm, but I guess it would have ended the same way anyway, eldritch moon is such a lay down for me in comparison to the first 3 sets an even shadows over innistrad is a lot better than what happened in this "eldritch moon" set.

It seems the marketing research team learnt something that just ain't truth because most people I read/hear is that they are "okey-ish" with the latest sets or just disgusted/disappointed with them, sadly, they still buy the cards, so marketing think they're doing it right.

July 13, 2016 12:54 p.m.

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