SPOILERS! Children of the nameless questions
Lore forum
Posted on Dec. 17, 2018, 3:08 p.m. by pizzagod13
So I just got finished reading this book and it was pretty interesting but I have a few questions that I was wondering if anyone wanted to talk about. Spoilers obviously...
Does the ending imply that Tacenda went to another plane? It said that she saw other worlds before vanishing.
Also Tacenda has the power to restore the souls of the villagers. How much weaker did this make her?
What colors do you think the characters are? The male planeswalker is almost certainly U/B but Tacenda is a bit harder to guess, probably white?
pizzagod13 says... #3
Honestly, I see Tacenda as more white. White is the color of protection wards and there are plenty of examples in the color.
However, the bog makes things tricky as bog cards are usually black.
Green is definitely about tradition so I could see that also. Red and blue don’t really seem to accurate to me.
It should also be mentioned that a certain charecter who was also touched by the bog attacked with green-white energy so Tacenda could be the same way.
December 19, 2018 6:46 p.m.
Just finished and it was a pretty good read.
1) Although it doesnt specifically say that she planes walked, there was a pretty strong implication that that's exactly what she did. Its possible that the new power ignited her spark. A follow up story would be interesting.
2) I didn't get the impression that it did much damage.
3) I agree that Dav is U/B with maaaybe a splash of another color. Maybe red? Maybe not. Tacenda I saw as W/G throughout the story but feel she could have picked up I little black after gaining the entity but not enough is known about how she is post-entity to say for sure.
Really liked reading the Dav chapters throughout the book more than Tacenda. Not sure why but his pretentiousness was a bit endearing to me or at least grew on me as the story went on.
I'd love to know the origin of the entities as well. All of the who, what, when and where of them
January 5, 2019 11:38 a.m.
RicketyEng says... #5
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
1) Yes Tacenda planeswalked away. She stole Davriel's spark and it shows in the epilogue how much he doesn't actually care. I think that whole bit is super intriguing.
2) The fraction of the Bog Entity residing in the villagers is tiny compared to its complete self. It has generations of souls' worth of power. I would argue that Davriel's Entity completely underestimated the Bog's wealth of power because it had spent many years growing itself.
3) I spent a vast majority of the book noticing all kinds of little things that firmly make Davriel . I hadn't given a whole lot of thought to Tacenda's colour, but the arguments above for green definitely fit. I also did notice the white/green description of Willia's attack. Tacenda then took on the Entity as a responsibility, not because she wanted power and I would say that is very white and un-black. I conclude that Tacenda is .
I also really like how we now know the fate of the angel. I'm certain she was the Nameless Angel.
January 16, 2019 12:52 a.m.
RicketyEng says... #6
So it would seem that I was wrong about Tacenda stealing Davriel's spark since he is very much still a planeswalker participating in the war on Ravnica. The author of Children of the Nameless was given Davriel's cards to preview. Then he also gave us some insight to Davriel's perspective on the war which I found absolutely hilarious. I encourage anyone who enjoys Davriel's mannerisms to have a look.
ZendikariWol says... #2
1) yes, it absolutely does imply that.
2) it's unclear.
3) Tacenda... it's tough, because the sudden burst of power changed her so much. I think that perhaps initially she was mono-green (valuing tradition and destiny is a distinctly green trait, and she was fighting for a bog). However, she may have turned red or even black in the end, rejecting the idea that her path is set before her. It's impossible to say.
December 18, 2018 11:24 a.m.