Story of Saheeli and Huatli

Lore forum

Posted on Feb. 24, 2019, 3:58 a.m. by seshiro_of_the_orochi

I have to admit: I didn't read a lot of the Ixalan Storyline, but one thing caught my attention: It ended with Saheeli Rai and Huatli, Radiant Champion teaming up and talking about how awesome dinosaurs are. And as Saheeli is known for robofying cats or dinosaurs, this propably means we'll get some robo-dinos in the future.

As there are several storylines we don't usually attend to, I hope we'll get to see something of this after War of the Spark.

Wizards propably won't go back to Kaladesh for a while considering how mechanic E annihilated standard. Ixalan will return at some point as the sun empire is heading to Torrezon so it can grow its power. It's hard to imagine having Huatli help the empire after realizing how winners write the history in Ixalan storyline. But still, it would make sense if the two walkers show up in the set. An appearance in another world would be awesome as well, though.

What's your thoughts on this? Are you expecting Robodinos as well? Where? How? Looking at you, Grimlock, Dinobot Leader  Flip.

RicketyEng says... #2

Yes, I very much made the connection and thought forward to a version of Grimlock's card in a style like a wonderful mixture of Kaladesh Inventions meets Grimlock from the Michael Bay Transformer movies.

February 24, 2019 10:47 a.m.

locke103 says... #3

robo dinos... gotta say, the start of mother 3 is suddenly coming to mind.

February 24, 2019 11:10 p.m.

RicketyEng: it basically wouldn't have to be a transformer, but some kind of "artifact creature - construct dinosaur" seems totally plausible.

locke103: I'm afraid I don't get the reference. Could you explain?

February 25, 2019 12:59 a.m.

ThoAlmighty says... #5

Saheeli was renowned for her ability to render living creatures in the form of artifice, and used her abilities as a planeswalker to find all sorts of creatures to mimic. I believe she could also conjure/transmute metals, though not sure on that one. Huatli, during her first planeswalk, got a glimpse of Kaladesh before being pulled back by the Immortal Sun. Believing it to be the Orazca, Huatli was able to convince the emperor to allow her to journey. After all was said and done, Huatli retraced her steps, and finding Kaladesh to be its own unique world, stuck around long enough to be spotted by Saheeli, who recognized her as someone distinctly not from Kaladesh.

It seemed mostly a bit of closure rather than a story hint to me, but I'd happily be wrong if it meant we got some mecha dinos if we return to the plane.

February 25, 2019 1:12 a.m.

RicketyEng says... #6

Grimlock is a perfect example of a robot dinosaur combined with a gearhulk. All the necessary ingredients already exist in the lore. All they have to do is put them together.

February 26, 2019 3:37 p.m.

ThoAlmighty: I get what you're saying. It could be meant to have a harmonic "ending" for huatli's adventures. This works fine, but the end of the story was so massively open that it would be a shama to not have it have a continuation.

RicketyEng: except grimlock is a pre-existing character from another hasbro-franchise. It would still be great to have "dinosaur construct" cards.

February 26, 2019 3:52 p.m.

locke103 says... #8


it's a bit of an obscure RPG, but has a bit of a cult following. anyway, as the game starts, you get acquainted with these dinosaur-type beings called dragos. on the surface, very friendly and docile.

now, cue the part of the story where things go awry. the main antagonist, throughout the game, has a thing for making chimeras. the first such man-made being was a mecha-drago. basically, said beings from before augmented/mutilated by metallic parts. and this one, full blown aggressive. in fact, it turns out to be the very first boss fight of the game.

February 28, 2019 7:02 p.m.

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