The Origin of Planes - Share your Story!
Lore forum
Posted on March 28, 2014, 11:14 p.m. by BoromirOfGondor
In the beginning, Storm Crow created the planes. Now the planes were colorless and empty, and the spirit of Heliod was hovering over the waters.
And Storm Crow said "Let there be white," and there was white. Storm Crow saw that white was less playable than black, and separated white from black. Storm Crow called white "weenies," and black he called "removal." And there was the play, and there was the draw - the first game.
And Storm Crow said "Let there be a colorless shield dominated by Eldrazi to separate the planes." So Storm Crow made the vault and separated the planes under the vault from the planes above them. And it was so. Storm Crow called the vault the "Blind Eternities." And there was the play, and the draw - the second game.
And Storm Crow said "let there be a completely broken color that oversees the multiverse, and let its antithesis be the worst color in the current metagame." And it was so. Storm Crow called the crappy color "Red," and the broken color he called "Blue." And Storm Crow saw that it was good.
Then Storm Crow said, "Let there be a slightly better color than red, that still can be a viable aggro deck." And it was so. From red and white came green: enormous monsters with abilities according to their kind. And Storm Crow saw that it was good. And there was the play, and the draw - the third game.
And Storm Crow said, "let there be cards that produce mana and turn on metalcraft, and dominate the modern metagame." And it was so. Storm Crow made artifacts. And there was the play, and the draw - the fourth game.
And Storm Crow said, "Let the Underground Sea teem with living creatures, and let Birds of Paradise fly above the earth across the void of the AEther. So Storm Crow created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing which can be played as a control finisher, according to their kinds. And Storm Crow saw that it was good. And there was the play, and the draw - the fifth game.
And Storm Crow said "Let the basic lands produce living creatures according to their kinds: the creatures that would be played in a streamline Gruul Monsters deck." And it was so. A Polukranos, World Eater still couldn't outrace AEtherling . And Storm Crow saw that it was good.
Then Storm Crow said, "let us make planeswalkers in our likeness, so that they may rule over the standard metagame upon their creation.
So Storm Crow created planeswalkers in his own image, in the image of playability he created them; Tibalt and everyone else he created them.
Then Storm Crow said, "I give you free reign over the planes of the multiverse. There lands will be yours for mana. And to all the creatures - I give an ever growing board state." And it was so.
Storm Crow saw all that had made, and it clearly a lucrative game. And there was the play, and the draw - the sixth game.
Share your own story of planar genesis below!
The great lord crow hath wrought all of our existence, as proven by this epic thread.
March 29, 2014 12:14 a.m.
Dalektable says... #6
I am in love with this thread, all hail our lord Storm Crow (hallowed be his name)
March 29, 2014 9:15 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #7
Wait! You forgot the bit at the very beginning:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Storm Crow , and the Word was Storm Crow .
March 29, 2014 10:20 p.m.
megawurmple says... #8
All hail the great Lord Crow, creator of the multiverse and overseer of the planes.
GoldGhost012 says... #2
If I could +1 a thread, I would +1 this 1000000 times.
March 28, 2014 11:27 p.m.