Ultime Amonkhet Theory Thread!
Lore forum
Posted on Feb. 24, 2017, 10:19 p.m. by CheeseBro
After browsing the internet for a while (I know, I have no life), i found some very interesting theories about Amonkhet, specifically the Gods.
Theory 1:
A Theory that I have seen many people on reddit talk about: That the Gods of Amonkhet will be artifacts, the same was the Theros Gods were enchantments (likely without devotion). If you look closely, all of the Gods heads are metallic, (except the crocodile and Ibis gods, though they could also be metallic and not organic...), implying that they are possibly artifacts or some kind on non-organic being, though their bodies are seemingly organic.
Theory 2:
Another theory that I found on reddit was that all of the gods are not really a new being, but either a resurrected or cloned version of a certain character or planeswalker. Link for Reference. You can read the theory there because it is difficult to explain.
Theory 3:
Though this goes along with the previous one, i believe it deserves its own section. This basically was a comment on a thread on reddit talking about the oldest beings in the multiverse, when one person brought up the topic of the Gods of Theros (Link) and the creation of gods. One interesting thing is a quote from a piece of lore a redditor quoted:
"Indeed. And more, that mortals have forgotten. Or did you think Heliod was always the sun god?"How can there have been other gods? We would remember them."If you remembered them, said Kruphix, they would still exist. As soon as Heliod took his place in the pantheon, he was the sun godand always had been. Mortals have short memories in these matters. If they had longer ones, Nyx would tear itself apart with rivalries and contradictions."
This says that Heliod was not always the original sun god, that there was another before him... This redditor went on to say that it was possible that Bolas created Heliod (we know it can be done) because he very closely resembles Bolas with the horns.
This got me thinking, and I noticed that the jackal god's posture and overall look looks very similar to Heliod (Link)
Im not sure exactly where this theory leads to, but it could be something to keep in mind.
Theory 4:
I noticed in the background of the art of the Jackal god, the jackal-head temple and a pyramid's tops are kind of fading or dissolving. This could be an indication of Hour of Devastation's plotline: The plane could fall apart. Whether this be of natural causes, the gatewatch's fault, or it be Bolas's ultimate endgame, this is likely important because this is happening in no other art we have seen so far. It could end up being nothing on the other hand anyway, so who knows?
Got a theory of your own? Post it here!
Hardhitta7 says... #3
Idk if theory 2 is true or not but damn I hope it is. That sounds incredible! I'm more excited for this set than I have been for any set in a while. Mostly because I'm a big fan of Bolas.
Thanks for posting this!
February 25, 2017 1:03 a.m.
Is... is that the symbol of avacyn i see heading mr. snek's staff?
February 25, 2017 2:15 a.m.
PhotogenicParasympathetic says... #5
I don't think those temple tops are dissolving... looks like they are going up through the clouds, and casting shadows across the clouds.
February 25, 2017 3:33 a.m.
Homura_Akemi says... #6
These theories are so interesting!!! I definitely agree that the Five Trials of the Gods could be Bolas' method to try to flesh out those who have a spark on his plane and try to get them to ignite it through rigorous tasks. Oh, I'm just so excited for Amonkhet!
February 25, 2017 7:46 a.m.
The jackal in Egyptian lore is the one who brings you to the underworld. It makes sense the pyramids are dissolving since the underworld is unstable and ever changing in the same lore.
Though Im a fan of the idea that Bolas created gods I believe it's similar to how Sorin created avacyn just they are more limited then being true planeswalker level power.(Elspeth killed one god and was only killed because of that. Otherwise I think she'd have killed Heliod to.) And it would explain why Mr. Snek has a symbol similar to avacyns on his staff
February 25, 2017 8:37 a.m.
I kinda doubt that they are artifacts... look closer at the gods' arms. They are flesh. In Egyptian burial rights, the corpse was given a golden mask if its family could afford it. This could be some sort of play on that, or I could just be stupid.
February 25, 2017 9:49 a.m.
shinobigarth says... #9
I really like the artifact theory. Would make for interesting gods that are different, as well as tie into Kaladesh of course. AND the whole "devotion" thing would look at either how many artifacts you controlled or the CMC of your artifacts to make them creatures, which would be a cool twist.
Tk4890 there can be artifact creatures who don't look metallic, like Etherium Sculptor for example. Even so, there's a first time for everything and the gods could be metallic even though the art shows some skin on them.
February 25, 2017 10:39 p.m. Edited.
RicketyEng says... #10
Is the general consensus that the Amonkhet gods are shard colours? I think it makes sense that they would be. Also, I doubt I'm the only one assuming that the order in which their images are shown to us indicates which one is Bant (cat), Esper (crane), Grixis (crocodile), Jund (jackal), and Naya (cobra).
Thos full art images helped me feel more confident that the croc god is grixis because he is surrounded by zombies.
February 27, 2017 10:42 a.m.
I was thinking that in terms of gods as shard colors the cat is naya, crane bant, crocodile jund, jackal esper, and cobra grixis.
February 27, 2017 9:44 p.m.
shinobigarth says... #13
crane = Azorius
croc = Dimir
jackal = Rakdos
cobra = Gruul
cat = Selesnya
February 27, 2017 10:09 p.m.
RicketyEng says... #14
Shinobi, I believe they will be shard colours for a few reasons. The first is that it makes sense that Wizards might eventually make gods for every colour combination. The 5 mono-colour and 10 bi-colour already exist so the natural next steps are shards and wedges. The second reason is that the number of multicoloured cards in the sets has been increasing which leads me to believe that they are seeding for a heavily multicoloured set. The reasons I give shards a higher chance than wedges are because wedges were done more recently, and Nicol Bolas has shard colours.
As for which god goes with which shard, that is completely debatable, but my intuition suggests that they would be shown to us in the WUBRG-style order.
February 28, 2017 9:21 a.m.
shinobigarth says... #15
Ok but they don't necessarily have to be shown in color order.
February 28, 2017 12:14 p.m.
When I saw the Jackal, her posture really reminded me of a certain other God that's very near and dear to all of us. That's right folks, anyone else see the similarity between the Jackal God (You know what, I 'm already tired of typing "Jackal God. I'll just call her Jacky) and our old buddy Heliod. And what did Heliod do? He was the Head Honcho of Theros. So here's what I'm thinking. ""How can there have been other gods? We would remember them."If you remembered them, said Kruphix, they would still exist. As soon as Heliod took his place in the pantheon, he was the sun godand always had been. Mortals have short memories in these matters. If they had longer ones, Nyx would tear itself apart with rivalries and contradictions." What if, long ago, before the Final Mending, Nicol Bolas created his own plane, much like Karn did. Then, he traveled across the planes, looking for the most powerful beings to defend his plane. But you don't want a Planeswalker, this was when they were Gods, and even then, as Tezzeret and Liliana will tell you, 'Walkers have a nasty habit of trying to rebel against their masters. So he went a step down journeying to Theros to find his lackeys. There, he took a leaf out of Karn's book and abducted them. He then set up New Gods, the gods of theros as we new them.
So, what do you think.
March 7, 2017 4:17 p.m.
Here are the Gods Color Identities as I think they will go.
Jackal I think that Jacky will be Mardu. White because I think that she is the leader, Black and Red because of the chaos in the background.
Snake I would be that the Snake Dude is totally Selesnya. He just looks like a good dude.
Crocodile Juuuuuunnnnnnnnnnddddddd. He has all of those zombies, he looks like... well, I bet the Tibalt would wet his pants a little looking at this guy.
Ibis He looks like a very nice Azorius guy. In the air like that, with the sun and everything? LAW-FUl.
Cat Abzan, probably. She looks like she hunts with that bow, so Green and Black, and then White, because I don't think she'd kill you without reason. Probably.
So anyways, thanks for suffering through this with me. I can't wait for Amonkhet. Until next time. Excelsior, Vickolas
P.S. Sorry for the new Knew mix up in my last post.
March 7, 2017 4:44 p.m.
noahevancreep says... #18
I agree with Vickolas, but there is another thing I want to point out that actually helps his/her theory. The Ibis god looks a lot like avacyn. And, the cat goddess looks a LOT like Nylea, specifically her bow. Anyways just wanted to say that the other gods looked similar as well. :)
March 9, 2017 7:54 a.m.
spiderjesus says... #23
Theory: Nicol Bolas beats the gatewatch, wipes their memories, and scatters them throughout the multiverse.
Bolas mind wipe abilities is a central plot point in Akh lore and everyone's sick of the adventures of the superfriends
April 19, 2017 10:39 p.m.
spiderjesus says... #24
Theory: Hazoret is bolas Slave.
Her monument is facing the other direction, zeal is devotion to a master, and the flavour text of her monument says the Worthy will rush to the God Pharoah side
April 19, 2017 10:41 p.m.
spiderjesus says... #25
Also he's gotta have one of the Gods as his Slave and it's probs one of the grixis ones and Hazoret's been a v central character
April 19, 2017 10:42 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #26
spiderjesus I like your theory, mainly because I also tire of the Gatewatch.
Way too many Planeswalkers, they aren't even special anymore. Maybe Bolas will kill a couple of them. Lol
Eiti3 says... #2
Bolas has never been one to share the seat of power with anyone. These other "gods", I imagine, are agents of bolas, much like Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. Be them planeswalkers or just powerful beings strong enough and devoted enough to Bolas to venture to Amonkhet and spend an indeterminate amount of years working on plans and goals that only immortals would have the patience for.
Now this is the part where I delve into I'm basically BS'ing mode due to not reading all that much and knowing most of the lore. But a theory is a theory, despite any amount of idiocy that it may derive from. Keep this in mind as I progress.
So who showed Tezzeret the Seeker how to convert his body to etherium? Etherium and the installment into creatures was "plentiful" in Esper, one of the shards of Alara. What's another shard of Alara? Grixis maybe? Who spent his time there after the mending? Bolas. Bolas and Tezzy learned the ability to basically replace the body with etherium, possibly allowing a mortal being to survive longer (as seen with Gonti's Aether Heart). Bolas could have used this information to make a deal with his other agents: limited "immortality" and power for servitude in his grander schemes.
What these schemes are, I've not a clue. However, after seeing Planar Bridge basically ripping holes through one plane into another, which is something we haven't seen (I think?) since the mending, is the huge first step in setting Bolas' schemes into play.
February 25, 2017 12:04 a.m.