What would happen if...

Lore forum

Posted on Jan. 4, 2015, 5:32 p.m. by christydude

The following are questions that have bothered me for some timeWhat would happen if:

  1. Sorin bites an Eldrazi titan
  2. The Eldrazi go New Phyrexia, and touch Glistening Oil
  3. Sorin bites a Phyrexian
  4. Sorin bites a God from Theros
  5. A God from Theros touches Glistening Oil
  6. Sorin bites another planeswalker (e.g. Bolas)
  7. A vampire (non-planeswalker) touches Glistening Oil
  8. Citizens of Theros begin dreaming of Yawgmoth or Elspeth (both dead) [Do they become Gods, and so regain life?]
  9. Citizens of Theros begin dreaming of a living being in another plane (e.g. Bolas) [Would there be a Bolas God as well as a Bolas planeswalker?]

JWiley129 says... #2

I just shotguned these questions, and I think I'm mostly right on them.

1.) nothing....

2.) Don't want to think about it.

3.) bad things for Sorin

4.) Nothing

5.) don't want to think about it

6.) probably nothing

7.) bad things, go look at New Phyreixa

8.) probably nothing

9.) probably nothing

January 4, 2015 5:37 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #3

Add in slivers because why not.

January 4, 2015 6:09 p.m.

christydude says... #4

These are my own answers, my goal in this thread is in finding if these are what others too think, or if there is something in the lore I am not accounting for:

  1. Eldrazi titans become vampires loyal to house Markov
  2. Become corrupted and cannot leave the plane + they leech all the mana/energy from New Phyrexia and everything "dies" [especially the "immune" Melira]
  3. Phyrexian becomes a vampire with identity issues and tries to fit in with the original vampires of New Phyrexia [Nothing happens to Sorin since he is a planeswalker]
  4. The God becomes a Vampire in addition to being a God, and is loyal to house Markov
  5. The God is corrupted and seeks to corrupt the rest of Nyx and Theros
  6. The planeswalker becomes a Vampire loyal to house Markov
  7. Becomes a phyrexian (this one was unnecessary in retrospect)
  8. They become Gods, but don't "resurrect"
  9. There will be two Bolas, one a planeswalker and another a Theros God

Please comment, thanks.

January 4, 2015 6:46 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #5

  1. I'm sure if Sorin got close enough to bite an Eldrazi Titan bad things would happen to him.

  2. It's been speculated that the Eldrazi Titans are immune to the Oil, as planeswalkers are also immune to the oil, and while not planeswalkers, the ability to move between planes is their similarity. That being said, the brood could very well hold the oil...That's not fun.

  3. I'm sure if Sorin was to bite a Phyrexian he'd probably just kill it, they're metal and flesh, with more oil than blood. Not very tasty, and they're not going to be particularly interested in being turned into vampires anyway.

  4. I don't think anything would happen if Sorin was to bite a god, god's are immaterial and they're composed of the beliefs of their followers.

  5. Again, gods probably can't be corrupted by the oil due to their existence being a function of belief. That being said, if there were phyrexians on Theros, all the gods would likely seize to exist.

  6. Hard to say. I imagine if the spark can prevent the oil from turning the person, I'm sure it can prevent them from becoming a vampire...ask Jace, he got bit my Mirko Vosk, but he wasn't trying to turn him...

  7. See New Phyrexia for details.

  8. There would have to be a point where dreaming about them, and believing they do useful things for them/they should fear them intersected. It's not like Ephara just sitting up and shaking the Polis, Elspeth or Yawgmoth would have to make their existence felt. There's no (perceived) benefit to the citizens of Theros (or any plane for that matter) to deify these two.

  9. Again, Bolas comes down and inflicts his wrath upon farmers or something...then they'd have reason to, but just remembering Kiora was here and she was a very powerful mage isn't going to do it.

January 4, 2015 7:57 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #6

Remember that Xenagos had to do some Intense magic to elevate himself from Xenagos, the Reveler to Xenagos, God of Revels. It's not just that people have to dream of them, but they have to believe. There is no way that if a Theros denizen dreams of a random person that they attain godhood, there also has to be some sort of belief. Also, Kruphix, God of Horizons is aware that Bolas exists, and he likely won't tell the populace at large.

Also the gods aren't mortals, and only mortals can become vampires, so there is no real way for the Gods to become vampires. Plus being a God is similar to being a planeswalker in the sense that you transcend a lot of things.

Similarly the Eldrazi are beyond all regular person comprehension, and if Sorin had bitten them we wouldn't have the problem of trying to seal them away again.

And being a Phyrexian consumes EVERYTHING of your old self, and a Phyrexian being bitten by Sorin would just have Sorin be exposed to the Glistening Oil. And while Planeswalkers have some immunity to the Glistening Oil, they aren't completely immune.

January 4, 2015 8:03 p.m.

jandrobard says... #7


1: sorin breaks his front teeth.

2: The eldrazi consume the oil's mana.

3: Sorin spits it out, phyrexians taste disgusting.

4: His head pases through, the god discorporates.

5: The god reverts to enchantment form

6: Bolas loses an arm and kicks sorin's undead arse.

7: The vampire is a twisted abomination. As usual.

8: A version of them comes into existence that confers to the therosian rules of existence

9: No idea. Sh*t explodes.

January 5, 2015 9:31 p.m.

This discussion has been closed