Who ever is messing with innistrad is playing with fire
Lore forum
Posted on March 7, 2016, 4:21 a.m. by nfcnorth
Not only are you risking pissing off Sorin by messing with Innistrad but you risk the wrath of Liliana as well by messing with Innistrad. Liliana seems to have some attachment to Innistrad with it being mentioned in her origin story as kind of necromancer's training grounds for her. I don't think she will take kindly to some outsider trying to mess up the plane. As for Sorin it is his homeplane and he is responsible for making of Avacyn so it is clear he doesn't want it in even more chaos.
I don't know about you but it doesn't sound particularly fun to have two black aligned planeswalkers both pissed off at you. As generally black aligned walkers are the most likely to hold grudges and do horrible things to you in vengeance.
Speaking of which it would be interesting to see a Sorin/Liliana tag team for a little while. Both would probably be pissed of at the main antagonist enough to work together so it could happen. Plus Liliana probably would be more willing to work with someone like Sorin over Gideon.
thejadefalcon says... #3
"Nahiri, who helped Sorin and Ugin lock away the eldrazi the first time, is pissed at Sorin for "letting the eldrazi out" on Zendikar."
No, she's not. The last time we saw Nahiri, she was worried about Sorin, that he was in danger or completely apathetic like she had been shortly before. Sorin was her friend then, not her enemy. Whatever happened between them happened after Nahiri left Zendikar.
March 7, 2016 8:35 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #4
"As Zendikar has bled, so will Innistrad. As I have wept, so will Sorin." -Nahiri
She's pissed that he didn't stop them.
(Fun fact: the image is Nahiri using her magic and ripping apart Markov manor.)
March 7, 2016 8:41 a.m. Edited.
I thought in , Nahiri left Zendikar thousands of years ago, so I'm not sure how she would know if Sorin let the Eldrazi out, or if they got out.
Also, Sorin appears to be on a bend as of late. If he is in this block, I would expect that to continue since we already have Ob Nixilis Reignited and a new Liliana all but confirmed, and having 3 mono
planeswalkers seems a bit much.
March 7, 2016 8:44 a.m.
thejadefalcon says... #7
Ohthenoises, it could be she's thinking about the vampires. From what I've read, they weren't around on Zendikar before Sorin first came along. Regardless, if that is talking about the time she called and no-one answered, that flavour text is contradicting the lore. Not only was Nahiri not angry that Sorin or Ugin never showed up, whatever happened after that is much more interesting. When Sorin found Ugin dead, his first thought was that Nahiri killed him. In the new timeline, he's very reluctant to go looking for her.
March 7, 2016 9 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #8
Nahiri is, by all metrics, a ridiculously powerful planeswalker. Being able to just walk in and rip an entire estate to shreds, living contents and all, is a lot. My current theory is that Nahiri is mad at Sorin and wants him to pay, mostly through destroying Innistrad. the Cryptoliths are her channeling innistrad's mana in a similar way to her using Hedrons to channel zendikar's. I could imagine her making a pattern of mana to attract emrakul in much the same way she did to attract the eldrazi originally. I like this theory because it explains emrakul coming to Innistrad (assuming that's what's happening) rather than it just being story convenient that that's where she shows up.
I could also happily accept that the cryptoliths are directly turning the angels and other beasts mad, maybe channeling the moon's effects to make them stronger?
or, Nahiri is obviously mad, but the extent of her rage seems uncharacteristic of everything we've seen of her before. perhaps her (and avacyn) are under the influence of Tibalt. Leaves all the rest of that open as possible just with an additional catalyst for why they're so willing to fall into their anger.
there's also a very small chance we could see a return of marit lage as someone trapped in the moon? I know it's really really far-fetched but Marit's whereabouts are entirely unknown. More likely that we just see emrakul though, there have already been arts spoiled with tentacles and such scattered about.
March 7, 2016 12:40 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #9
So due to today's spoils it seems that there is evidence of eldrazi on INN.
Evidence seems to support Emrakul going to INN.
March 7, 2016 12:48 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #10
the flavor text for warped landscape is where I'm getting the idea that Nahiri is specifically drawing emrakul in. though I kind of hope the story ends in emrakul either leaving the plane abruptly for some reason or being forced off. I don't want the focus of eldritch moon to be emrakul's assault. especially when we're building up this demon. Maybe Emrakul is a wrong prediction and all of the issues are nahiri feeding this new demon Innistrad's mana, it just happens to be a demon that uses tentacle-looking stuff? hopefully. I don't want to deal with an eldrazi.
March 7, 2016 12:51 p.m.
Thraben Inspector is really just looking at a bundle of worms, which is a horror trope to signify corruption or some kind of supernatural evil-doing.
March 7, 2016 1:41 p.m.
scopesightzx says... #12
every time I see Thraben Inspector, I always think of this
March 7, 2016 2:35 p.m.
I don't see Emrikul showing up. Why? I don't believe WOTC will do two Eldrazi influenced blocks in a row.
Although, I not happy that is returning. or is this just the symbol to replace
March 7, 2016 3:12 p.m.
Anything that every did or will produce , will now produce
March 7, 2016 3:41 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #17
swkelly89 I know, that's why I put it in quotes. Nahiri wasn't on the plane when they were released as far as anyone has been told. Last thing she knew was that, of the two others who helped her bind the eldrazi, Ugin is dead and Sorin wasn't on Zen fighting.
I'd assume she walked to the plane, saw they were free, and instantly went looking for Sorin pissed as hell thinking that his seal failed.
March 7, 2016 7:04 p.m. Edited.
Did Nissa let the Eldrazi in so the Elves could defeat them and every other race die?
March 7, 2016 7:22 p.m.
no. she thought that if she released them, the eldrazi would leave, but instead they consumed zendikar
March 7, 2016 8:22 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #20
So everyone forgets about Sorin brutally murdering Avacyn?
Priorities guys.
March 7, 2016 8:27 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #21
A.) Avacyn is killed? Can I have a link? I'd love to see that story.
B.) He CREATED Avacyn with the purpose of humanity, if she is slaughtering humans then her purpose is no longer valid and thus must be removed.
Sorin is a vampire who is like the 4th oldest walker we know about, he thinks in a cold and calculating fashion. (for the most part) If you built a shelf to hold books and the shelf started to break down and drop books everywhere, would you not take the shelf apart and fix it?
March 7, 2016 9 p.m.
shinobigarth says... #22
if Avacyn were to die it would be during this block. hasn't happened yet. and Sorin would be the one to do it himself if what her new transforming card suggests that she's been corrupted.
March 7, 2016 9:47 p.m.
thejadefalcon says... #23
The story hasn't happened yet, but this is the picture being discussed. http://i.imgur.com/DERQugz.jpg (the link formatting hates me for some reason) Most people are pretty convinced it's Avacyn. I'm too busy squeeing over Tamiyo.
March 7, 2016 10:40 p.m. Edited.
shinobigarth says... #24
yep thats definitely her in Purifier form. if she failed in her duty or was compromised, Sorin would dispose of her.
"you had ONE job, Avacyn!"
March 8, 2016 12:39 a.m.
SUrely it will be an interesting Block...
Runo stromkirk - you know the grandad of the stromkirk vampires, seems to be able to reconnect with its sea god he worships.
At least the favour text on the following cards indicates such.
Avacyn runing amok..and Nahiri too... (in my humble opinion it is completly plausible the he, just like avacyn gets the voices, but instead of hearing a convincing argument about humans being corrupt, he hears how sorin abandoned, her, or all alopng planned to destroy her plane)
Werewolves seem top be creating a new civilistation.
Also the art with jace very much looks like olivia voldaren, who just decided that as the progenitor o the Voldarens, its her duty to protect her foodsource from angels.
March 10, 2016 5:38 a.m.
AwesomeOctopus says... #26
Personally I'm excited to see black get to be the good guys this block and white be evil, especially after Lilli's absence from Oath of the gatewatch. Wizards has stated before that black shouldn't be viewed as evil so much as self-interested. Also, I think that Thraben Inspector all but confirms IMO that Emrakul is coming.
March 17, 2016 1:23 a.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #27
How might Nahiri react when she learns that two of there three Eldrazi titans have been defeated? Will she relent in her quest for vengeance, or has she become too consumed by her zeal to care about that?
March 17, 2016 8:52 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #28
I'd really hate it if Emrakul turned out to be the antagonist. I like the eldrazi but Innistrad is supposed to be about gothic horror and suspense, not go kill the big thing in the sky.
Ohthenoises says... #2
What's going on with Markov manor is essentially a mommy/daddy spat in planeswalker proportions.
Nahiri, who helped Sorin and Ugin lock away the eldrazi the first time, is pissed at Sorin for "letting the eldrazi out" on Zendikar. As we know it's not his fault but Nahiri is a little gone in the head.
There are a few theories floating around but my favorite happens to be that, since Ulamog consumes and Kozilek corrupts the body, Emrakul corrupts the soul. This means that Nahiri's madness and Avacyn's madness are caused by Emrakul's will.
March 7, 2016 8:25 a.m.