$45 Broke Man's Burn Deck
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on May 14, 2019, 4:58 a.m. by TheInsanelyMadWizard
$45 Broke Boi Burn
Burn doesn't have to be so expensive ya know! Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks. :)
abbatromebone says... #3
I play burn competitively and you want as many cheap burn spells as possible. Creatures you really want are Eidolon of the Great Revel it really helps you. If you can get 4 in its amazing. Then you want budget haste cards with a cmc 2 and under. Monastery Swiftspear isnt to bad. But if you can get a cheap creature with either haste or prowess that's good as well.
Spells you want cmc 1-2 3 damage. Lava spike, Riftbolt, searing blaze, skull crack, searing blood (I run two in the sideboard), lightning bolt.
Boza says... #2
I would probably not consider those 75 - this is incredibly slow. No Lava Spike even? Shrine of burning rage is severe tempo loss for not enough gain. You are playing 18 2 CMC burn spells, only searing blaze of which has any serious upside.
4x Incinerate
4x Lightning Strike
3x Magma Jet
4x Searing Blaze
3x Searing Spear
4x Keldon Marauders
4x Spark Elemental
3x Shrine of Burning Rage
Cut the following 29 cards. Add the following 29 cards:
4x shard volley
4x flame of keld
4x lava spike
4x light up the stage
4x skewer the critics
4x ash zealot
2x abbot of keral keep
3x zurgo, bellstriker
Either flame of keld or light up the stage has to be substituted by a 2 mana burn spell, but other than that, the list is better.
May 14, 2019 9:27 a.m.