Modern Deck Help MTG Forum
Advice with Izzet Proliferate (Closed)
need help with dimir cipher (Closed)
Naya Budget zoo burn (Closed)
Trying to Break Into Modern (Closed)
Oozing my way up the rankings. (Closed)
Is This A Viable Deck? (Closed)
need help with a hellkite deck. (Closed)
Enter the Infinite or Gifts Ungiven? (Closed)
Competitive living end help (Closed)
[[glittering wish]] Recursion (Closed)
Budget Bant control- what to put in? (Closed)
Can Heroic be Modern Competitive? (Closed)
Rate my deck before tournament (Closed)
need advice for golgari ooze (Closed)
Amulet without the bloom (Closed)
Metalcraft storm deck - Needs help (Closed)
Competitive Mono Tribal Decks (Closed)
Sideboard possibilities (Closed)
Abzan: To BoP or Not? (Closed)
Help me make this deck better! (Closed)
Which Sweeper? (Closed)
Kinda budge Grixis Twin Delver deck (Closed)
Re-post;How can I improve this deck? (Closed)
Suggestions For My B/W Exalted Deck (Closed)
Junk token deck help (Closed)
Improving Soul Sisters (Closed)
Suggestions & potential improvements (Closed)
Would love any suggestions/oppinions (Closed)
Is this deck too combo reliant? (Closed)
Mono Red Devils (Need Help) (Closed)
U/W Control Win Cons (Closed)
Grixis Delver Help? (Closed)
sliver deck help (Closed)
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Recently Added
- I need help creating a new Control archetype
- Using Disrupting Shoal
- Help improve my deck pls
- Dragonlords Wuberg
- Azorius Aggro-Control deck
- burn deck help to refurbish
- Sideboarding Silence in Burn
- I’m looking for a one mana white removal card that isn’t Path to Exile. What’s your favorite?
- Disregard
- FNM - First Time Playing Modern