Amulet without the bloom

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on June 24, 2015, 2:40 p.m. by ezio27

So recently, I was trying to reinvent the amulet bloom deck. The deck is pretty fragile in terms of moving around combo pieces. I then started to think of other uses for the amulet. The first deck that came to mind was a moonfolk deck that keeps bouncing my lands back to my hand with just abvout any moonfolk, and then using Patron of the Moon to put them all back into play untapped thanks to the amulet trigger, and go infinite with different effects. Currently, I am extensively testing this deck for the modern format.

However, I want to think of some other uses for Amulet of Vigor. Can anybody suggest something to me?

Programmer_112 says... #2

This just seems unnecessary. From what I've seen, the Bloom deck is actually fairly resilient, especially with plays involving Titan->Tolaria+Bounce->Pact->Titan-> etc., allowing it to play a very grindy game. If anything, Patron of the Moon makes you less consistent, because it makes you almost entirely dependent on Amulet of Vigor, and it slows you down because you lose your explosive Amulet+Bloom hands.

June 24, 2015 2:47 p.m.

ezio27 says... #3

First of all, I actually was testing the patron deck on my own, and all I wanted was other sugestions for other stuff to use amulet for. Also, I know how all the pieces of the amulet deck work. I love that deck. It is just so darn expensive for me. The deck I am trying to get together actually can stay true to the turn 4 format that modern is. I am just moving around the last few pieces. What I mean by being fragile is that if you move around and take out some of the combo pieces, the deck gets less resilient. I am trying to reinvent the amulet deck. I am trying to get amulet to work with other builds.

June 24, 2015 3:05 p.m.

ezio27 says... #4

Also, the patron deck is designed to combo off at instant speed so it actually is really resilient and it will be able to allow me to draw through my entire deck. I am also putting in stuff like Sleight of Hand and other amazing draw spells to make this deck even more resilient. So unless they have split second removal, I can easily combo off and deck them with Altar of the Brood.

June 24, 2015 3:09 p.m.

bigguy99 says... #5

Could we have a list to look at?

June 24, 2015 4:07 p.m.

JDMCRIB says... #6

Yeah, an example list would be nice. This sounds interesting though, brew it up if you think it's a good idea.

June 24, 2015 4:21 p.m.

ezio27 says... #7

Yeah, I am almost done finalizing the list, just need to work in some sideboard and optimizing the bounce pieces.

The concept is essentially offer up a moonfolk to the patron, one with CMC 3, and then have another moonfolk such as Oboro Breezecaller or Soratami Cloudskater out along with either two amulets or one amulet and a Training Grounds.

The final piece to the combo is either a Meloku the Clouded Mirror or an Altar of the Brood to either make infinite guys by reusing your lands or to deck your opponent by the same method with your lands. Also, you will essentially have infinite mana with this combo.

I am finalizing the list trying to get the maximum consistency possible with drawing the pieces to the combo. The point of this deck is that you just need the patron and the amulet pieces required and then you can use other cards to dig for the rest of the combo.

The deck is set up for a turn 5 win pretty consistently despite the turn 4 format, but I am just making sure it has enough ways to ensure this win on turn 5. I should be putting up the list soon but I want to make sure I have done everything possible to make it consistent before I put it up.

Thank you for the patience anyways I am hoping to get it up today.

June 24, 2015 4:46 p.m.

bkimpland says... #8

I don't see how you can make this consistent enough. Bloom Titan is consistent because of the interaction between 3x Tolaria West > 4x Summoner's Pact > 4x Primeval Titan and the fact that there are several ways to get 6 mana available on T2/T3. Getting 7 mana to get this on the field will happen a turn later most of the time and you have no way to pull it out of your deck.

June 24, 2015 4:52 p.m.

JDMCRIB says... #9

I suck at reading dense blocks of text, so I'm having a hard time seeing how the combo functions in its entirety. Could you maybe do a step-by-step, as none of us have probably seen the combo before.

June 24, 2015 4:53 p.m.

ezio27 says... #10

BTW Bkim, the point of this is not to use bloom titan because it is so expensive in terms of money

Also JDM, i have finalized the list, and I am posting it in about 10 minutes or so once i finish writing up the text. I will space it out for you.

June 24, 2015 5:06 p.m.

JDMCRIB says... #11

Cool, thanks! Post a message here when it's uploaded.

June 24, 2015 5:09 p.m.

Ok, so if you're just looking at this as a budget alternative, it probably works fine. You'll want Time of Need, because it's like a Summoner's Pact in this deck. It also lets you grab Ruric Thar, the Unbowed and Dragonlord Dromoka, which could be strong SB options. From the title, I assume you don't want to use Summer Bloom. This is simply a mistake, as it is potentially the best card in the deck, and fuels most of your explosive draws. The Amulet Bloom deck is built around explosive starts with Amulet and Bloom, and grindy games with one or the other. You need to have both options available, or you'll be locked in the grindy game where you don't quite have the edge that regular Bloom does.

June 24, 2015 5:15 p.m.

ezio27 says... #13

I am looking at a mono colored amulet deck right now actually lol. It is simply a rogue build that does not care one bit about blood moon. Also, the name of this forum is amulet without the bloom. Thank you for the budget options, I really like those actually. I am actually trying to give up the explosiveness of summer bloom in order to get a catch all budget deck that will just not be disturbed when chaining the combo.

Anyways, Programmer_112 thanks for linking those cards on this forum, i actually think i will try to make the budget bloom work. It just is not my first priority right now. I really like having an unconventional tribal deck at my disposal.

Anyways, for all of you who were waiting, I have my deck completed now. No sideboard yet but mainboard is finished.

Amulet Combo Moonfolk

There it is!

June 24, 2015 5:26 p.m.

SirFowler says... #14

June 24, 2015 5:30 p.m.

JDMCRIB says... #15

That makes a lot more sense lol

June 24, 2015 5:32 p.m.

ezio27 says... #16

Yeah I tested with Meloku but he just was too much mana and he would interrupt the instant speed combo if we decide to play him.

Also I encourage all of you to solitaire the deck, it actually gets pretty fun to play once you get the hang of it

June 24, 2015 5:43 p.m.

SirFowler says... #17

How about add Caged Sun or Gauntlet of Power?

Plus, Meloku's ability can be used any time.

June 24, 2015 5:46 p.m.

JDMCRIB says... #18

Still, I'd recommend it at least as a 1-of. Some decks have ways of dealing with mill, like Tron's Emrakul, the Aeons Torn for example. Having another way to win, in this case through flying tokens, is a very valuable thing to have.

June 24, 2015 5:46 p.m.

ezio27 says... #19

good point, I can always dig for it too. But it also is a crapshoot because say our opponent resolves a path on our patron, then we need to combo off fast before it goes away or we just straight up die. I guess meloku is a great way to deal with emrakul though.

I am pretty sure that Surgical Extraction in the sideboard would work for the emrakuls in game two though right?

As for Meloku, I am gonna make a slot for him

Also, I am not sure about the ramp, i have parts to get to and assemble the combo at every spot in my curve, so I don't know how a sphere will play out.

June 24, 2015 5:54 p.m.

NotaNetDeck says... #20

You're wrong about Extraction. Emrakul's trigger goes on the stack and even if you exile him (and however many other copies) in response, his trigger still resolves and your opponent gets a graveyard. However, Trickbind would do the trick (so to speak, and it's super cool).

Anyways I love rogue decks and I hope yours works out for you!

June 25, 2015 12:27 a.m.

JexInfinite says... #21

I'm late to the party, but Amulet Bloom is not resilient. Consistent, but not resilient.

June 25, 2015 4:06 a.m.

@JexInfinite: What makes you say that?

June 25, 2015 9:17 a.m.

ezio27 says... #23

I like the Trickbind idea, thanks for the suggestion.

Currently, I am testing additional cards in this deck. One of these get a huge is actually a ramp card. SirFowler suggested I use additional ramp but i was having trouble finding some extremely low costed ramp to get to meloku or the patron faster and a little more consistently.

Right now, I am testing Lotus Bloom in different quantities and slots in order to essentially get a free ramp. We don't get our heavy drops out by turn 4-5 anyways so we might as well be able to hard cast our threats if our moonfolk offering is not enough for the patron

June 25, 2015 2:11 p.m.

NotaNetDeck says... #24

Your versatility in win cons also makes Gifts Ungiven a great option, possibly as a replacement for Visions.

June 25, 2015 4:27 p.m.

ezio27 says... #25

Gifts seems a little tough because even if i use it, i actually only have two win cons that actually finish the game. I am not about to put in a Hedron Crab lol, this deck has a versatility of enablers to have the win cons go infinite, but I don't have a diverse amount of win cons

June 25, 2015 5:38 p.m.

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