Any love for Bankrupt In Blood in Modern?
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on March 10, 2019, 9:32 p.m. by PhthisisClock
I'm going to try running Bankrupt in Blood in my modern token machine... and I noticed that pretty much nobody outside of EDH is using it. Seems legit in modern tokens. Anyone else already tried it and dismissed it? Why no love? Cheers!
BrandonJamesCAC says... #3
Unless you have death triggers, I don't see how it's better than the draw 2 cards options.
March 10, 2019 10:49 p.m.
Not to mention, that for , you get Life's Legacy , which tends to net you a LOT more cards.
Due to current modern legal token generators - that at best rate cost 2 and produce 2 tokens - you will sacrifice 3 mana worth of tokens for the card draw effect. So its basically costs you 5, plus some board presence - and due to the large number of sacrifices required you can't really rely on recursive creatures, with undying, persist, or miscellaneous triggers like the one on Bloodghast
To give you a counterexample, if you sacrifice Kitchen Finks to Life's Legacy that nets you 2 life, draws 3 cards, and still leaves you with a blocker - or Strangleroot Geist which gives you a bigger blocker/attacker, and 2 cards..
March 11, 2019 9:51 a.m.
PhthisisClock says... #5
Altar's Reap does look a little tastier... my build does produce massive amounts of tokens (hit for 60 last night, for example, in a grindy midrange golgari matchup) but I like the instant speed. Plus, I already run Scarscale Ritual , so maybe I can do without the 3rd card that Bankrupt provides.
PlatinumOne says... #2
unless you're producing a mass amount of tokens, i dont think the cost of 2 creatures is as negligible as it might first appear. but i think the biggest issue may just be finding space in the deck. you need space for token generators, ways to abuse those tokens, and then removal. which of those 3 categories do you sacrifice just for a bit of draw power?
March 10, 2019 9:55 p.m.