Bogles help

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on June 4, 2015, 2:41 p.m. by gabethatguy

Just want suggestions for my Modern Bogles deck. Criticize away

June 4, 2015 3:06 p.m. Edited.

You don't want any lands that enter tapped, so be rid of Vivid Meadow. Also ditch 2 Spider Umbra for some Unflinching Courages.

June 4, 2015 3:56 p.m.

Slycne says... #4

Prioritize shoring up your manabase as soon as possible. Nearly every card in Bogles demands only colored mana, so you want basically every land in the deck to produce Green and White. More green fetches, more painlands, heck even raindbow lands would be better than so many basics and a tapped land. You don't even really want the Dryad Arbor until you have enough fetches for it, 7-8.

Spirit Mantle is pretty low impact. Cut two for two Unflinching Courage, which gives you a similar effect, a better boost, and you really want more than 4 lifelink effects in the main.

I would also shave 1 Hyena Umbra for either a Spirit Link or Keen Sense, depending on if your local metagame is more aggressive or grindy.

The sideboard could certainly use some tweaking, though Modern sideboards depend a lot on the expected metagame, but stuff like Fists of Ironwood and Silhana Ledgewalker stepping on each other when you feel like you need more threats/protection is way overboard. I would keep one more Unflinching Courage in the sideboard, and at least two of the Nature's Claim - 3 if you expect a lot of Blood Moon. So even if you commit to a playset of Fists of Ironwood as edict protection you have a lot of extra room for other decks. The sideboard cards are really good in Modern, especially in White, so there's much better options out there depending on what you expect to face.

June 4, 2015 4:02 p.m.

gabethatguy says... #5

I didnt even realize Vivid Meadow enters tapped XD. Thanks for the advice

June 4, 2015 4:06 p.m.

Slycne says... #6

greenkingwashere My 2 cents as someone that played the deck heavily for a season, but I think Bogles Mistake 101 is cutting Spider Umbras. It's natural to think that Hyena Umbra is better because first strike is the better combat keyword, but remember that 8-11 other cards in your deck are giving you first strike - 8 of which are never leaving the 60 Daybreak Coronet and Ethereal Armor. On top of that, blocking flyers is extremely relevant in a few key match-ups, especially Inkmoth Nexus. Getting reach is important for locking your opponent from outs where as redundant first strike doesn't change anything.

June 4, 2015 4:08 p.m. Edited.

JRaynor says... #7

Yeah I can tell you from experience that Spider Umbra is as good as, if not better than Hyena Umbra in this deck. The main reason you play umbras is the Totem Armor effect and first strike is rarely as relevant as reach when you draw it, since you're likely to already have a First strike enchantment on the board.

The guy saying Spirit Mantle doesn't have a place is crazzzzy. When I ran bogles, I was seriously considering dropping some other enchantments to make it a 4 of. It's THAT powerful. Certainly not a core card in the deck, but one of my favorites flex spots.

June 4, 2015 5:45 p.m.

square711 says... #8

My advice is run Silhana Ledgewalkers instead of Kor Spiritdancers. The Dancer is a powerhouse when she sticks, but she's also the only card in a Bogles deck that dies to removal AND she's a two-drop, so she's a wasted play 90% of the time. The card draw doesn't nearly make up for her weakness.

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I've had MUCH better results with my Bogles deck when I stopped playing Dancers altogether and went all green on my creatures: 4x Bogle, 4x Scout and 4x Ledgewalker. The fact they're all good targets for Favor of the Overbeing is just icing on the cake.

Also, your sideboard needs work. I suggest Leyline of Sanctity, Spellskite and Suppression Field, plus some stuff you put in your maybeboard (Celestial Purge is nice).

June 4, 2015 5:47 p.m.

Slycne says... #9

JRaynor Spirit Mantle was much better when there were more fair decks running around, like Zoo, where you just had another big trump for them. Most of the current match-ups don't really care about it though. They are either races or Spirit Mantle is actively bad because it doesn't pump very much for two mana invested. The only match-up I think you really want it in currently is Grixis Delver just as another source of evasion over Young Pyromancer tokens, but that match-up is still more about landing a lifelink source. I think two in the 75 is where you want to be right now.

square711 Just for the OPs sake. Here's the argument against that. Silhana Ledgewalker is extremely slow. You only start suiting up and potentially attacking on Turn 3. This is giving your opponent a lot of time. For instance, on the play you can suit a one drop and still play a Turn 3 Daybreak Coronet against your opponents Turn 2 Spellskite - which is probably strong enough to still win or hold out until you find removal. The other point in Kor Spiritdancer favor is that it brings an aspect to the deck that another random hexproof suit target can't. Sometimes you do need to risk it and make a massive Kor Spiritdancer since there is no other way to win, or the card draw becomes necessary to fight a grindy game.

June 4, 2015 6:14 p.m.

JRaynor says... #10

Slycne I agree it's a non-essential aura. I must have joined the conversation after the OP already modified his deck according to your suggestions, because I thought you were saying to take Spirit Mantle out of your deck entirely.

Honestly, I have a similar problem with Kor Spiritdancer that square711 described. About 5% of the time she sticks. I don't think she's a good fit for the deck but there isn't anything else that's hexproof that can fill the spot. I tried Geist of Saint Traft and hated it. Silhana Ledgewalker seems okay, but WHEN the spiritdancer works she works much better than the ledgewalker.

June 4, 2015 8:55 p.m.

gabethatguy says... #11

June 4, 2015 9:59 p.m.

square711 says... #12

Slycne and JRaynor: you two definitely have a point. Silhana Ledgewalker IS too slow for Bogles, and to be honest, the only reasons I run her are that having less than 12 creatures is suicide and I'm not a fan of Noble Hierarch in a Bogles build (and I don't have the money for a playset of Spellskites, heh). Geist is indeed terrible for Bogles - not worth going Bant for and DEFINITELY not worth dropping the and going U/W. You can't really call it an aggro deck if your first swing comes on turn 4.

And yes, Kor Spiritdancer's card draw ability is incredibly handy when she sticks; however, it's often irrelevant in a grindy match because grindy matches tend to involve tons of killspells.

In the end, it all comes down to this: Bogles doesn't have a good enough 2-drop. I wish Wizards would make a nerfed Dancer that costs - a 0/1 that gets a +1/+1 boost for each Aura attached to it, something like that. I doubt that'll ever happen, but one can dream, right?

June 5, 2015 8:18 a.m.

gabethatguy says... #13

square711 what about Favored Hoplite? No card draw, but it does get a permanent benefit from auras if there is enchantment wipe. It can't take damage the turn it gets an aura, too, which obviously is good. Can it replace Kor Spiritdancer?

June 5, 2015 11:24 a.m.

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