Mono-Red Land Destruction

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 6, 2018, 10:18 a.m. by StoryArcher

I feel that Land Destruction has strong potential in the Modern environment where Tron and creature-lands are so prevalent and opponents sac'ing land is the norm. This deck is an effort to take advantage of that meta while working in an old trick from back in my Ice Age / Fallen Empires days.

Despite the original deck being budget, I'm wanting to take this into a competitive environment, so any suggestions are welcome.


Liliana420 says... #2

you definitely need to add green. with turn 1 ramp you can start playing land destruction spells turn 2. a turn 1 Arbor Elf followed by Utopia Sprawl turn 2 will let you drop a Shivan Wumpus while STILL on turn 2. and then of course theres Beast Within that can destroy lands as well.

September 6, 2018 10:43 a.m.

StoryArcher says... #3


I know that G/R is the most popular land destruction format and that there's a good reason why - ramp is beautiful - but I find the following factors come into play:

1) Mixed land bases will slow you down by a turn as often as they speed you up by a turn. I can't build decks off of ideal draws, and mono-red not only allows for an easy mana-curve but also lets me put in more sources of colorless mana like Darksteel Citadel and Field of Ruin.

2) Reliance on creature-mana makes me more vulnerable to hurting myself with board wipes which I generally prefer to have as an option.

3) Filling up the deck with ramp leaves a lot less room for removal and actual land-destruction, so you can start off like gang-busters and then suddenly peter out with an empty hand. I really enjoy the effectiveness of Orcish Spy + Millstone, but that's 8 more cards I'd need to find room for to go with the ramp, removal and land destruction.

Having said all that, I'm actually experimenting with mono-green land destruction as well (see Mwonvuli Takeover) and so far it's been a lot of fun.

September 6, 2018 10:57 a.m.

StoryArcher says... #4


I originally had that potential combo set up in this deck, but it just wasn't consistently useful enough to keep in.

Deus of Calamity is a new card for me. I'll definitely have to consider it. Might work in my mono-green land destruct as well.

September 6, 2018 1:20 p.m.

clayperce says... #6

I leave some comments on the deck, but my biggest suggestion is to post the deck for comments over on the Ponza subreddit. We're a enthusiastic (some would say 'rabid') community, and always interested in new approaches towards Ponza!

Also, Idk why your deck didn't link in the OP. Did you include the square brackets?


Orcstone II (non-budget)

Modern StoryArcher


September 7, 2018 12:20 p.m.

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