Chandra or Blood Moon?
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 11, 2022, 4:44 p.m. by Dead_Blue_
Should I run Blood Moon or Chandra, Torch of Defiance in this deck Control
I think the idea of running Jace & Chandra together could be powerful but Blood Moon could be the better call currently. Thoughts?
wallisface says... #3
I feel like the wrong deck might be linked here? There's never any reason for this kind of shell to be running Chandra, Torch of Defiance at all imo. Whether or not you run Blood Moon is entirely a meta call, as Icbrgr already mentioned, but again I'm not sure this deck really wants to be fighting down that avenue.
Why are you feeling the need to splash red in this deck? What are you hoping Chandra, Torch of Defiance or Blood Moon will actually accomplish here?
November 11, 2022 6 p.m.
Dead_Blue_ says... #4
The main thing is I feel I could have some better stuff in my sideboard. Chandra offers, Card advantage, removal, and a wincon in herself.
Blood Moon is just strong right now, especially against tribal & domain decks
November 11, 2022 9:10 p.m.
wallisface says... #5
Control decks have access to much more practical/better finishers than Chandra. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria often serves as something that can close out a game pretty, as can the Hall of Storm Giants you're already running.
Blood Moon may be very strong in your local meta, its not something I think this community will be able to comment on as we don't know what you regularly play against. Based on the MTGO meta, I wouldn't think it's worth running in this shell.
Personally I think there are some cards in the mainboard that are quite questionable at the moment that may be worth more thought, rather that trying to squeeze red into this deck. Namely, Otherworldly Gaze feels very impractical for a control deck, as its giving you card-disadvantage (and card advantage is generally the only way control can survive). Devastation Tide fits in that same bucket. Thought Scour seems like a really weak way to cantrip in control, and I can only assume you have it because you're trying to force Murktide Regent into this shell. My big concern is that 19 lands is criminally-low for a control deck, and means you're very unlikely to get your 3rd land drop reliably at all.
It feels like your low land-count and questionable mainboard choices are going to make it hard for you to currently control the game, and I'm not sure either of these red cards address those issues at all
November 11, 2022 10:02 p.m.
Dead_Blue_ says... #6
I invite you to try Otherworldly Gaze, it’s sooooo good. I’ve ran Visions, Consider, Opt, Gaze is better than all of them. Being able to dig 6 cards deep at instant speed is nuts. Gaze is also what adds so much value to Devastation Tide
Thought Scour is great for Murktide but I actually included it for the interactions with Subtlety
I went 5-0 with the deck 2 days ago so I’m happy with it, just like I said could use some better SB options
November 11, 2022 10:30 p.m. Edited.
wallisface says... #7
Sideboards are always a meta-dependant choice, so its pretty hard to give you any advise on that. Your current mainboard & sideboard are very indicative of a meta vastly different (weaker?) than common tier-1 decks. So its pretty hard to provide any concrete suggestions on sideboard advise without having a clear indicator of the decks you’re commonly up against.
November 11, 2022 11:53 p.m.
I have to point out that Chandra, Torch of Defiance is not what she used to be.
In my estimation she was up there head to head Jace, the Mind Sculptor as the most powerful walker at 4 mana. Then planswalker targeting rules got "errata-ed".
Before the errata, her 1st ability (like all damage aimed at players) could be redirected to hit walkers - which couldn't be targeted by damage spell, instead you had to redirect the damage you aimed at the player controlling the walker.
As such Chandra, Dressed to Kill is "THE" red planeswalker.
In regards to Blood Moon i would say that its likely to become more and more powerful, as effective zero deckbuilding cost domain decks are likely to become more and more common due to cards like Prismatic Ending & Leyline Binding. Which make things like aspiring spike's self mill combo borderline immune to hate.
I would also like to note, that said deck is likely to become the Tier0,5 to Tier0 format warping force. Free counters + t3feri + 2 playset of universal removal + instant win?
...i have hard time immaginig hate cards that could work.
Yes, blood moon is not an auto win.
However it delays your opponent enough to give you a fighting chance.
November 12, 2022 12:27 p.m.
Dead_Blue_ says... #9
Do you have a link to aspiring spikes list or a vid of it?
November 12, 2022 12:34 p.m.
Dead_Blue_ says... #10
So I actually decided to not splash red & instead throw the Narset Puzzle Box combo on the side. Haven't tested it yet so we'll see how it goes
Icbrgr says... #2
Blood Moon is just meta dependent... its a great card for sure some decks just dont care about it and can get needed basics in play before blood moon matters.... I say if you feel blood moon would perform well in your playgroup then absolutely go for it.
IMO Chandra, Torch of Defiance is just amazing in general... but i dont think she is worth splashing over.... but splashing red for moon and artifact hate or Abrade seems reasonable.
November 11, 2022 5:34 p.m.