Could i pull this deck off with only 18 lands?
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on June 28, 2015, 12:30 p.m. by mardolous
Im not sure if my deck: (sorry the link wouldnt work),
Would be playable with 18 lands,
Its mostly 1 drops, but i have 2 4 drops, and 4 5 drops?
Could you help and tell me how many lands i should have?
i completely agree with rothgar13. i follow that exact same curve.
June 28, 2015 12:44 p.m.
I wouldn't run 4 drops with only 22 lands UNLESS I had significant card draw.
June 28, 2015 1:18 p.m.
nobodygaming says... #6
Mine performes perfectly at 18 land, but I went with a really dumb/great mana cap of 2 mana. Any excess I draw just goes into pumping for extra damage, but it's usually over before I have 4-5 land played. Outside of this particular deck thou, I don't know how I would really make an 18 land deck in any other format/colour
Check out my deck Mono Red Aggro
rothgar13 says... #2
18 lands with 5 drops? Recipe for disaster. This is the general curve I follow:
Curve out at 3 - 20 landCurve out at 4 - 22 landCurve out at 5 - 24 land
Now, you can make some minor edits, based on whether you have cards like AEther Vial, Simian Spirit Guide, or rituals to put less pressure on your mana base, but that's the basic rule of thumb.
June 28, 2015 12:38 p.m.