Do i even need red (Soul Sisters)?
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 26, 2015, 7:10 a.m. by smackjack
Im building a Soul Sisters deck at the moment. I dont want to build the regular mono-white version. I started with splashing black for Dark Confidant, Lingering Souls and Bitterblossom. Then i added red for Norin the Wary and Legion Loyalist. After lots of editing i ended up with only 3 red cards, 2x Norin the Wary and 1x Legion Loyalist and im no longer sure the red splash is worth it. What do you guys think? Legion Loyalist is really good for giving Ajani's Pridemate trample, and Norin the Wary gives me lots of ETB triggers.
Is there anything black or white you would run instead of these 3 red cards? If i take out Norin the Wary i could take out Spirit Bonds as well, so there are 4-5 spots to fill. Maybe Thoughtseize? Thoughts?
Thanks :)
Blood sisters
JexInfinite Thanks. I just bought 4 Dark Confidant for this deck so i will have to splash black ;). I want it to be a bit different from your default Soul Sisters deck, I have no goal of getting my life total over 30. Instead i use the sisters to buy time and even out the damage from Dark Confidant and Bitterblossom. I don't want to play green. It might be good but i want a different deck. Wrb or Wb is what im considering.
I like Brave the Elements, too bad you cant find it with Ranger of Eos. You dont happen to know any B/W 1cmc creatures that provides evasion?
December 26, 2015 7:27 a.m.
Also, can someone explain to me why Dromoka's Command is considered to be such a great card? Each option seems very underwhelming to me, and even if you get to choose 2 for only 2 mana its good at most if you ask me. Am i missing something? :)
December 26, 2015 7:31 a.m.
Coinman1863 says... #5
The biggest thing is that it is one of the few ways to reliably kill Keranos, God of Storms when playing against control decks. Also helps prevent Bolts killing your stuff, burn spells, and technically is a removal spell (cause it fights).
It's a lot more useful than most people think.
December 26, 2015 9:09 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #6
Dromoka's Command is extra removal, which is vital for this deck. All we used to have was 4 Paths, and DromoCommand allows that removal number to increase to potentially 8. You can make your creatures bigger, protect from Pyroclasms and Electrolyzes which would otherwise be very good. The enchantment sacrifice is very relevant against Twin specifically, and decks that would run enchantment to otherwise hinder your gameplan.
The main thing is versatility. It's so good against a wide range of decks, particularly grindy ones. It excels against Jund and Twin.
December 26, 2015 9:34 a.m.
Ok so i took out the red stuff and added 3x Brave the Elements and a Sword of Light and Shadow.
JexInfinite says... #2
If you don't want to go monowhite, go GW for Dromoka's Command and an amazing sideboard with Gaddock Teeg and Choke. Heavy green has the Archangel of Thune + Spike Feeder combo, and all-round good meta options. Black should only be used for Lingering Souls main, and disruption sideboard (like Thoughtseize and Zealous Persecution). Red is a no-go. It adds nothing but inconsistency.
If you want an unblockable Pridemate, just use Brave the Elements.
Worth noting that the manabase for GW is a lot better than the other splashes because Canopy Vista works incredibly well with the rest of the manabase, such as Flagstones of Trokair + Ghost Quarter , and just in general, since you'll have a heap of basics.
If you don't like the base-white feel the deck has, you should honestly just switch decks. It performs the best as base white with minor splashes.
December 26, 2015 7:16 a.m. Edited.