Elemental Rage

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on June 15, 2019, 9:59 p.m. by BlackyMTG

I know a large portion of Modern Horizons is garbage, but I built this deck starting with the portion I enjoy of Horizons and would love some more input. The help I’m asking for can be found in the deck description. The reason I think the creatures I’m using are just as viable if not more than normal burn spells is because of the large amount of decks that care about keeping their creatures in play. When I swing in with my creature that will die at the end of my turn regardless they’re more willing to let it go around their blocker because their creature will hold value. This deck also gets around the ever-so annoying Teferi, Time Raveler because I don’t need to play any of my stuff at instant speed. I’m not going to explain much more because this will all eventually be in my decks’ description, but I feel really good about this list and could use all the help you’ll offer.

Espurrito says... #2

MagicAids actually made a build for Rakdos burn on his channel. It seems a bit similar to your deck. You should check it out.


June 18, 2019 2:26 a.m.

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