Elves Intruder Alarm!

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on June 12, 2015, 5:45 p.m. by 2gherkins

Hey there, just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on an elves deck with Intruder Alarm. It is a really fun card for elves (gets infinite ETBs with just two mana dorks) and is slightly cheaper than Cloudstone Curio. However, I need help! I have way to many ideas and need help cutting cards! These are the cards that I want.


3 Chord of Calling to get any toolbox piece, like Reclamation Sage, or the card that goes infinite with Intruder Alarm and a mana dork, Imperious Perfect, as well as anything else you need.

2 Genesis Wave good value, will grab you a lot of things that you need.

2 Collected Company can dig for the right elves, and is just all-around value.

1 Drift of Phantasms to find Cloudstone Curio or Intruder Alarm and others.

1 Sylvan Scrying to find the right land, such as Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Cavern of Souls or blue mana for Intruder Alarm.


4 Intruder Alarm is the main part of this deck, and is just good to have with mana dorks and Heritage Druid: tap all elves for mana, play an elf or something big that gets a creature, then untap.

1 Cloudstone Curio does have it's own combo here, with Heritage Druid and Nettle Sentinel, and can be fetched with Drift of Phantasms if needed.

4 Leyline of Vitality kicks of our devotion like heck! getting two devotion to start and making our bucketload of et triggers gain one life, not o mention a semi-buff is perfect for the deck! A+


3 Imperious Perfect is really strong with with Cloudstone Curio and Intruder Alarm and does really well with Heritage Druid, is Collected Companyable, and is a lord! what more do you want!

Playsets of Arbor Elf, Llanowar Elves, and Elvish Mystic, because that's what this deck is all about! Elves, elves, elves! Arbor elf is particularly good because it can untap a Breeding Pool to get blue mana.

3 Elvish Visionary to dig for a combo piece, or to get infinite draw with Cloudstone Curio, or just to tap with Heritage Druid, or just value.

2-3 elvish archduid for extreme ramp right into Genesis Wave and it is also an elf lord, is really solid with Intruder Alarm and can get boatloads of advantage with Intruder Alarm.

4 Heritage Druid goes infinite with Cloudstone Curio and Nettle Sentinel, can also tap down other elves that don't make mana to get mana.

2 Nettle Sentinel is really aggressive and can keep tapping and untapping with Heritage Druid. Not the strongest card in the deck, but strong nonetheless.

1 Ezuri, Renegade Leader can win without a combo or such, and if necessary can be tutored with Drift of Phantasms if removal is something your seeing a lot of.

1 Reclamation Sage is pure toolbox. 'Enough said.

This is way to many cards, as you can tell. What should I cut, what to add? Tell me everything! I'm new to elves, so theres probably some super-secret tech I should run.

ChrisH says... #2

Quick thing Green Sun's Zenith is banned.

June 12, 2015 6:15 p.m.

enemybroadcast says... #3

I use Coiling Oracle, Fauna Shaman and Elvish Harbinger. Here's my version Elf Alarm.

June 12, 2015 7 p.m.

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