Green devotion? Can it be a modern contender??
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on July 24, 2018, 2:40 p.m. by 6ixer
Hey guys saw alot of devotion/mono green modern talk lately. I played it when it was standard so I want to ask is it doable and be competitive. The disciption is in the link thanks.
Hey check out my deck Green devotion
xaerusblade says... #3
yep. we have Tooth and Nail and Craterhoof Behemoth variants
July 24, 2018 10:17 p.m.
There's a couple of different versions. Here's some examples:
- Tooth and Nail Variant
- Midrange-y Devotion with lots of green mana symbols
- Collected Company Devotion
- 4-Color "mono green" devotion
- Summoner's Pact Devotion
- Another Tooth and Nail version, but it has 4 copies of Tooth and Nail for maximum Spaghetti Monster wins.
I'm a fan of the versions with 4 Tooth and Nail and maindeck Blood Moons. Playing Arbor Elf turn 1 into turn 2 Utopia Sprawl -> Blood Moon lets you take your time setting up for a Tooth and Nail win.
@Wurmlover: You don't really want Primal Surge when you can win immediately with Tooth and Nail for less mana. Genesis Wave is nice because sometimes you just want to cast it for 6 and pray to flip something like Thragtusk to protect you from Burn. Harmonize can easily be cast early on in this deck, especially when you have explosive hands where you play a bunch of Utopia Sprawls and Wild Growths with an Arbor Elf or 2. You may not have enough to cast a big spell, but you also have a lot of mana and not much action. Harmonize lets you dig for more threats.
July 25, 2018 11:05 p.m.
There's a couple of different versions. Here's some examples:
- Tooth and Nail Variant
- Midrange-y Devotion with lots of green mana symbols
- Collected Company Devotion
- 4-Color "mono green" devotion
- Summoner's Pact Devotion
- Another Tooth and Nail version, but it has 4 copies of Tooth and Nail for maximum Spaghetti Monster wins.
I'm a fan of the versions with 4 Tooth and Nail and maindeck Blood Moons. Playing Arbor Elf turn 1 into turn 2 Utopia Sprawl -> Blood Moon lets you take your time setting up for a Tooth and Nail win.
@Wurmlover: You don't really want Primal Surge when you can win immediately with Tooth and Nail for less mana. Genesis Wave is nice because sometimes you just want to cast it for 6 and pray to flip something like Thragtusk to protect you from Burn. Harmonize can easily be cast early on in this deck, especially when you have explosive hands where you play a bunch of Utopia Sprawls and Wild Growths with an Arbor Elf or 2. You may not have enough to cast a big spell, but you also have a lot of mana and not much action. Harmonize lets you dig for more threats.
July 25, 2018 11:05 p.m.
xaerusblade says... #6
also if you want to you can check out my deck Turn 2 Freed from the Real.. in which your nut draw can win you in turn 2.. but if not you can always go for the tooth and nail nut draw which is turn 3, which is not too bad.. :D
July 26, 2018 8:45 a.m.
I played the list tonight against a few decks. Jund blue white miracles and mardu. I could not win against miracles. Jund was pretty decent. Didn't enjoy mardu per say.
I think I'm going to take out the primalcrux it never sees play and I borded it out a handful of times.
And I will change out brids for arbor elf and Utopia.
So selkie or elvish visionary?? I find selkie getting awkward with triple green along side leatherback. That is when I have two green sources and a nyxthos.
I will put in tooth and nail don't worry.
Any other thoughts? I'm just worried about the match up against combo... Like how does devotion green deal with the average meta I feel like it rolls over to combo
July 28, 2018 9:04 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #8
I recently played against RG Devotion which used Primeval Titan as its engine (to find Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Kessig Wolf Run) and then won by pumping with Kessig Wolf Run. Because of the mana dorks you almost always have a target for Wolf Run.
The other parts of the deck were things like Huntmaster of the Fells Flip, Primal Command, Wistful Selkie, Garruk Wildspeaker.
July 29, 2018 2:32 a.m.
I thought of titan, it was more of a how many question and oh I know about wolf run I made a llanowar elf into and 11/1 trampler
Wurmlover says... #2
2x Primal Surge instead of wave and harmonize
July 24, 2018 4:47 p.m.