Help with my landfall deck
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 13, 2021, 11:14 a.m. by eldraziboss9142
I need to decide if i should put Ramunap Excavator or Crucible of Worlds into my Infinite Simic Crab Mill landfall deck
eldraziboss9142 says... #3
I have a couple Tormod's Crypts so i guess that would help my Buried Ruin.
December 13, 2021 12:49 p.m.
eldraziboss9142 says... #4
My Ancient Greenwarden will give my Tatyova double lifegain while getting four crab triggers off a single fetchland. Then again, I can use Yarok, the Desecrated to lower my curve but adding another color to the pie, while still getting the same effect, minus the graveyard fetch.
December 13, 2021 12:58 p.m.
wallisface says... #5
Honestly I feel like Crucible of Worlds and Buried Ruin is a largely pointless addition - it’s too niche in this list to provide reasonable value.
That Crucible slot would be far better used, imo, running additional Scapeshifts.
Additional thoughts:
Both Tatyova, Benthic Druid and Yarok, the Desecrated seem kinda useless for their mana costs. It feels like in both cases you’d just be better off running Primeval Titan.
I think your biggest issue with this deck will be keeping the crabs alive. I know from playing traditional mill, they get targeted hard. And in your case, theres no real plan-B. I think you need more ways to acquire crabs from the deck, or resurrect crabs en-mass from the grave.
December 13, 2021 2:03 p.m.
eldraziboss9142 says... #6
so basically i wasted 80 dollars for nothing. that sucks
December 13, 2021 2:05 p.m.
eldraziboss9142 says... #7
also i have the Counterspell and Disdainful Stroke copies for the removal defense
December 13, 2021 2:08 p.m.
wallisface says... #8
eldraziboss9142 While Counterspell can help your crabs stay alive a little, Disdainful Stroke won’t do much at all except maybe catch-out the occasional Solitude/Fury… all other removal in modern costs around 1-2 mana, and in general Disdainful Stroke feels like a sideboard card at-best.
Your big threats, as I see them, are:
Jund, Control, DeathsShadow: they have enough removal to get around your Counterspell, and because you have no plan-B, will be able to comfortably end your plans
Burn, HammerTime, Mill, etc: will all be faster than you, and present faster clocks while also being able to disrupt what you’re doing.
Dredge, Crabvine, LivingEnd, Reanimator: will all be super-stoked that you’re giving them what they want.
Endurance basically ends your gameplan immediately, as the reset of their deck likely puts you too far behind.
Leyline of Sanctity makes life very awkward, as it turns off half your crabs.
Supreme Verdict gets around your counter magic, and leaves you dead in the water.
^ a lot of this can be addressed by having a solid plan-B wincon, as well as finding ways to have your deck win faster. Including a sideboard will help with most the individual cards I mentioned.
December 13, 2021 4:28 p.m.
wallisface says... #9
I found this deck on tappedout. It’s a little out if date, but may present a better avenue for your deck to go down. Currently your deck lacks a “go infinite” combo, which can make easy to mess with (because its trying to be a combo deck, but isn’t). I think competitively you’ll have greater success if you have an immediate “i win” scenario in your deck that can be achieved reliably by turn 5. Your current brew is trying to compete down the same lines as traditional-mill, which will always just make it a sub-optimal mill deck.
Splashing white to include the Ruin Ghost + Retreat to Coralhelm combo seems decent, imo
December 13, 2021 6:48 p.m.
wallisface says... #10
A video of another deck, here, might also interest you - going more-in on the crab plan
December 13, 2021 6:53 p.m.
abbatromebone says... #11
1) fetchlands dont have to grab basics they can grab shock lands like Breeding Pool 2) you have a way to get artifacts from the graveyard to the battlefield so I would recommend crucible of worlds. 3) have you considered Ghost Quarter + Archive Trap as part of your deck? Its pretty good. or Field of Ruin 4) generally good cards in this deck to think about Visions of Beyond Fractured Sanity Tasha's Hideous Laughter Into the Story Oboro, Palace in the Clouds Shelldock Isle
lagotripha says... #2
The two main things I'd look at for that list before running either of those is upping fetch numbers - if you're stuck on majority basics for budget reasons, Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds still get you triggers.
Fetches trigger crabs twice, and that is what makes crabs good. Same with other landfall effects.
Second, I'd be less worried about the life loss from fetches if you are just fetching basics or a triome. When you fetch a shockland you are basically lightning bolting yourself, which can need lifegain, but is usually offset by more reliable sideboard lifegain or mainboard control. Card draw from courser/tatyova is the reason to run them and they are great at that, but effects to keep your gameplan running are where to focus.
If you are looking at buried ruin, you need to run artifact/mill synergies beyond just crucible. Shriekhorn+Grinding Station can work, especially with some of the infinite combos that grinding station offers, but its something that needs to be built around. You are in the right colours for Shardless Agent if you're prepared to lean into speed + value rather than counterspells.
Probably the biggest utility lands you could run would be Bojuka Bog, but without primetime shenanigans it can be hard to hit the things you need with it - Ashiok, Dream Render type exile graveyard effects matter because it takes one 'shuffle your graveyard into library' eldrazi to shut down the mill plan otherwise. Tormod's Crypt, Nihil Spellbomb or Lantern of the Lost are cheap and helps solve the problem.
Best of luck brewing crabs - its a fun archetype and has some neat brews - I'm partial to 12 crab with the snowlands and ambush vipers, but it all works.
December 13, 2021 11:32 a.m.