Help with tuning colorless eldrazi stompy
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on May 3, 2019, 1:48 p.m. by SMASHER101
My meta is 50% control 25% combo and 25% aggro. I want to tune my list to reflect this. How important is Chalice? The card is $65 and I will get them eventually but wondering if they should be relegated to the sideboard in favor of Relic of Progenitus . I've seen recent list running Leyline of the Void instead but I haven't played against dredge at all and supposedly it is already a good matchup. I would rather be able to exile eternal scourge. Is [smuggler's copter]] good in my meta? Is there anything else I should change before I continue to build?
IMMG54 says... #2
I don't exactly know your meta, but chalice is just an all-star in my opinion. Being able to land a chalice on 1 and 2 pretty much locks out all cheap removal like Ancient Grudge , Fatal Push , or Path to Exile . If you're thinking of subbing a very narrow common for a powerful game-locking permanent, I would assume there's a lot of graveyard based decks in your meta. In my experience of playing modern here and there, I'm not so sure how copter works out, as I've seen it do really well in one game but then do horribly and be a waste of 2 Mana in another game. Again, I'm not super into modern, but in my meta smugglers copter was mediocre at best
May 3, 2019 1:56 p.m.