Humans vs Bant spirits
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 20, 2018, 1:09 p.m. by anqilador999
Hi I want to build one of those decks to start in mtgo so I want to know which one is better for a new player (I dont have much expirience)?And which one do you think is going to stay competitive most time(tier1/2) so I dont have to spend money in other dekcs. Thx for the help
I would recommend proxying up both decks ( is very helpful for this), and playing a few games with each, then making your decision from there.
October 20, 2018 5:27 p.m.
landofMordor says... #4
But if you're just starting out...I might advise MTG Arena instead. It's a free MTGO, but it only plays Standard, which is a better format for new players anyways.
If you're ready for Modern, I think I might echo Humans, because the land base and Vials are going to be powerful no matter what for creature decks.
October 20, 2018 5:30 p.m.
Humans is a pro active agro deck and spirits is more of a tempo reactive build. Humans will give you more stuff to roll into other decks with its land base. You could always look up mtgo tournament results. You could always try x mage for free
October 21, 2018 12:46 a.m.
anqilador999 says... #6
Thanks for the advice I think I'll go with humans based on what you have said, also I'm new in mtgo but I've played paper magic before (Mono U Tron and Eldra Tron), now I'm coming back from a long hiatus.
xaerusblade says... #2
They both do different things.. mostly humans deck target things before it is being cast like thalia, kitesail, meddling mage, reflector mage.
while spirits has basically good counterspells on legs like: mausoleum, quellers. more importantly spirits are also resilient vs removals with cards like drogsol captain and selfless spirit.
both have fast clock, disruptive. so it is up to your playstyle. but i would lean more on humans. as each print set will definitely have humans in them that can upgrade the deck tremendously vs spirits imho.. :)
October 20, 2018 2:07 p.m.