I need to find a deck!!

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 6, 2019, 7:39 p.m. by EagleDrake13

I need to build a modern deck that I can build for around $300 to start with and then slowly make the deck better. I don't want to play tron or bogles or storm because my friends all play those. I like janky decks but I also like combos. I just need help from yall to discover a deck.

Icbrgr says... #2

What kind of staples do you already own? Most of the cost of a deck I have found is in the mana base so if you already own a playset of shock/fetch lands that can really be a huge factor.

Otherwise I'd say Skred Red is a FANTASTIC deck that you can buy and still be under $300.... Koth of the Hammer combos with Snow-Covered Mountain s and Skred in so well!

February 6, 2019 7:50 p.m.

I mean I love ad nauseam combo and that's around 350 at worst

February 6, 2019 8:26 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #4

Mono Blue Δggro

Modern* APPLE01DOJ


Cut the fetches and you'll be good. They're only in there for the SB.

February 6, 2019 9:04 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #5

I've got a pretty fun janky combo deck based around Bloodline Keeper + Intruder Alarm . It used to be cheaper, but prices jumped after RNA spoilers hit. You can still get it for about $350 though.


Modern Darkshadow327


February 6, 2019 9:51 p.m.

RyuSama1990 says... #6

what archetype do you usually prefer? do you want to netdeck or homebrew? are there fetchlands/shocklands you already own playsets of? knowing this info will go a long way toward helping you pick a deck.

February 6, 2019 10:10 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #7

I know you said no to tron, but I happen to play a tron deck which is different than the others, and I like this one a lot. It instead plays a slower, control game with countermagic like Remand , Condescend , etc and doesn't try to rush getting the tron lands out like the others and most notably doesn't play Karn Liberated . There's a neat combo between Mindslaver and Academy Ruins (well not for your opponent at least) provided you have the mana :)

Besides Ugin, the Spirit Dragon that I already owned (from a time when it was much cheaper) I didn't have to spend too much on the deck besides the 2x Wurmcoil Engine s, the tron lands, and Academy Ruins . Go to my profile to see the decklist.

If that's still not your kind of deck that you had in mind, then what about burn? You could build this fairly cheap. With a mana base consisting of Clifftop Retreat s, Inspiring Vantage , fetches like Bloodstained Mire , Wooded Foothills , Sacred Foundry and some Mountain s. Skewer the Critics is a new burn spell you can play in it too that you should be able to acquire easily.

Boros Burn

Modern _Delta_


February 6, 2019 10:26 p.m. Edited.

hungry000 says... #8

If you like janky combo decks, here you go:

Arcane Training Grounds Combo

Biomancer's Familiar Combo

The first one is a UR Training Grounds / Izzet Guildmage combo deck, and the other one is UG. I want to make a Temur version eventually but I'm working on other decks atm. (To get both decks down to $300, you just have to cut the fetches. Playing some non-shocks can also lower the price a lot.) Unfortunately idk if you can really 'upgrade' these decks without turning them into something completely different, since as far as I know there isn't a fully competitive version of Training Grounds combo, but the UR version has a lot of modern staples in it and you could probably branch out into Delver or something eventually.

Here's another deck you could try, it uses Waste Not to jank people out and is pretty fun to play in multiplayer (though that may depend on whether you find chaos/randomness fun): Waste Not + Wheels Most of the cost is from Surgical and Blood Moon btw, so if you cut those from the sb and cut fetches it's probably around 300.

Oh yeah, RNA released Electrodominance : https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/instant-deck-tech-electro-balance-modern

The deck basically uses Electrodominance and As Foretold to cheat out Restore Balance and make everybody sacrifice pretty much everything. Watch the deck tech for an explanation of how it works. To get the main deck to $300, I'd cut the fetches, Jace, Blood Moon, and replace some of the other expensive lands for budget ones. the $900 that's listed as the paper price is includes the sb, so I think cutting those in the main is enough to get it down to your budget. If that's not enough, it's probably fine to go down an Ancestral Vision and play Mana Leak instead of Remand. It seems this deck suits your needs the best since it hoses Tron lands, makes Bogles sac their creatures, is janky, and is also a combo deck.

February 7, 2019 12:58 a.m.

Flooremoji says... #9

You can try Heartbeat of Spring combo.

February 7, 2019 1:21 a.m.

you could try my Myth Realized with the Captain which is pretty janky and I think it stands a chance at FNM. It's close to $300, and I find it fun. It's basically a {U}{W} control deck that has a turn 1 payoff for your spells. Game 2, if your opponent destroys your Myth Realized , you can crash in with an army of Chads (Gideons).

February 7, 2019 10:17 a.m.

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