Input on deck idea
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 12, 2018, 6:11 a.m. by ZookTheMagpie
Hi! So I’m still kinda new to MTG, I used to play a bit a few years ago but school required to much attention and the pool of MTG players in my area was always lackluster. However school is now done and I’ve moved to an area with far more players.
My main deck back in the day was my refined milling deck, and my preference for color was black and blue (as time went by I started leaning more towards blue as I liked the controlling aspect). So to cut the already to long backstory short, still kinda new and want to get back into it.
Now onto the deck idea in question. Ever since I finished my milling deck I’ve toyed with an idea for an deck that might not be super competitive or even nice, but I’ve been unable to shake it off. The idea for it came from the enchantment Pooling Venom, where it damages the player everytime the enchanted land becomes tapped.
So the idea is this; a deck that makes it so everytime the opponent does anything (plays a card, attacks, defends, tapps land, and so on) they takes damage. A strong defence might be key as the deck needs to weather attacks from the opponent while it does its magic, but I really like the idea of an deck that in essence makes the opponent kill themselves.
As i've said before, I'm still very new to magic so any pointers or suggestions would be much appreciated
JoeNathan37 says... #3
Polluted Bonds seems like it might be the kind of card you’re talking about
August 12, 2018 10:45 a.m.
There's actually a deck on tappedout that does exactly what your thinking of: For Assholes Only
The person who made it built a few other versions that use different color combinations as well, my fav is the BG one because Spreading Algae ;). Oh, and there's also a pauper deck made by eyes2sky that does the same thing: Salt Mine Prison Escape
August 12, 2018 9:47 p.m.
ZookTheMagpie says... #6
Thanks for all the feedback, I can't deny that the last two suggested decks didn't have fitting name and I'll surely look deeper into them along with all the other suggestions
One more thing, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules by askin, but when I played last usage of more than two colours in a deck were beginning to become popular. So I was just wondering how it is now
Thanks again
August 13, 2018 12:47 a.m.
I actually have a deck idea that utilizes Pooling Venom. This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but this deck does similarly by not letting your opponent do anything.
Check it out: Jund Calamity! is a Ponza deck that tries to keep your foe from ever doing anything with hand, land and field destruction.
August 13, 2018 2:41 a.m.
Idk how much you know, but most competitive midrange decks in modern these days are 3 color, jund and abzan are generally the colors of choice but with the rise of Death's Shadow grixis has also become a good midrange/aggro deck. Burn also plays in naya colors, splashing G for Atarka's Command and white for Boros Charm and Lightning Helix. I think RW is most popular rn though. Mardu Pyromancer has made a push recently, and Jeskai Control is also a thing. With the printing of Stitcher's Supplier a Jund Vengvine/Bridge from Below deck became popular, though it's more BR than jund (I think it splashes green for Ancient Grudge or something).
2 color decks are still popular tho, some of the competitive ones being BR Hollow One, UB Death's Shadow, and UW Control (which finally became a thing when Jace, the Mindsculptor was unbanned, though a lot of decks now prefer Teferi, Hero of Dominaria over him). GW midrange decks used to be seen occasionally, UR Storm is still played. GW Bogles and UG Infect are kinda played too.
Another recent change in the meta has been 5c Humans, which was made a lot more consistent with the printing of Unclaimed Territory. It's won several big tournaments and is probably the most played of these decks. On that note, some other tribal decks that see play are Merfolk, Elves (G/GB/abzan), and Spirits (UW/bant).
KCI Eggs is rising as one of the best combo decks in the format. Affinity, G Tron, UB Tezzerator, and Lantern Control are some other competitive decks that have been around for a while.
I probably missed a bunch of decks here, but to sum it up there are a ton of 3 color decks now, possibly more than there are 2 color decks.
APPLE01DOJ says... #2
Contaminated Ground, Ensnaring Bridge, I don't know the name of it but there is a lack enchantment that gives -2/-0 but taxes the opponent everytime that creature attacks.
August 12, 2018 9:53 a.m.