Inspired to brew UWR tokens
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on March 19, 2022, 4:50 p.m. by Icbrgr
Today I discovered Poppet Stitcher Flip as a card and thought it was kinda neat... made me think of the synergies with Monastery Mentor, Young Pyromancer and Myth Realized/Shark Typhoon.
There has to be a deck here right? I'm thinking cheap UWR tempo/permission/cantrip spells along the lines of Remand and Lightning Helix.
Does anyone have any thoughts or spicey suggestions for things kind of deck? All in all im just looking to put something together thats playable and fits the theme.
Here is a rough outline of what I came up with
Young Poppet Mentor
Isn't the flip effect a may condition? Like cant you choose not to flip it?
My main reason for UWR is strictly due to the mana base and staples I own.. I have 4x Tarn and 4x Mesa and 2x of the fetchable shocks... I figured blue would be nice for draw power through Opt, Expressive Iteration, Remand and Vapor Snag.
But if you Must flip stitcher then yeah its probably more headache than payoff... thought it would compliment pyromancer and mentor rather than replace... 2 stitcher with 4 mentor and 4 pyromancer with spells galore kinda deal.
March 19, 2022 6:41 p.m.
wallisface says... #4
Icbrgr yeah you're right - on my initial read I just thought the backside was "may", and the frontside was forced, but it is "may" on both sides, which does improve it marginally.
I still think that, even without the forced flip, this card just has too many hurdles to jump through. It's tokens still die after a single attack, making them poor for creating a value-engine. And if you're in UWR then you already have access to both Monastery Mentor and Young Pyromancer, which are both far superior (and you probably don't need a 3rd card of this effect, especially at the expensive 3cmc slot).
March 19, 2022 8:17 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #5
Even Mentor has historically struggled hard in modern, and it's a much stronger card overall. You can probably make it playable, but I'd expect <50% winrate.
March 19, 2022 8:48 p.m.
I thought about this brew last night and tinkered up a list to put in the post description... if anyone would check it out for a suggestion I'd appreciate it.
Playable is the goal and intent with this deck.
March 20, 2022 10:45 a.m.
lagotripha says... #7
On its own its okay, but making marginal cards good is all about maximising upside.
For poppet to make it to playable, that 'loses abilites and becomes 3/3' needs to be a massive upside, ideally also using zombie subtype for effect.
There might be something to build with eldrazi spawn or similar 0 power creature tokens (who would get +3 power from the flip) with +1/+1 counters on them. Tokens with defender/sacrifice printed on them are another option.
Armies are good because of that, with Dreadhorde Invasion pointing to a 'you're meant to sacrifice the tokens' value/midrange zombie list.
Kher Keep & Springjack Pasture aren't gonna rock the world, Hard Evidence and Teyo, the Shieldmage are also just fine, and a lot of the 'sacrifice at end of turn' have that printed on the card, not the tokens. It'll make build around tricky. Satyr's Cunning looks good, but its just one card.
I feel like there is something there, but its gonna take some weird interactions with something like Kasmina, Enigma Sage's -x to get it playable.
March 20, 2022 1:49 p.m.
Nice lagotripha! I was just thinking stitcher would be a versatile Intangible Virtue/Young Pyromancer... but the thought of cranking out a high volume of underpowered tokens like the eldrazi spawn sounds kinda comical, I'll see what tools are available in that regard and see how it goes.
March 20, 2022 2:14 p.m.
Sounds like an awesome idea to me! I made a Myth Realized deck around the time of Ikoria maybe, and it never quite got rolling along, but one winner in it was Expel from Orazca There are times when your opponent taps out to play one big spell and expel is basically timewalking them : ) And with tokens it's not too hard to hit ascend.
Also, weird loophole, but crewing vehicles does not cause your tokens to attack, and vehicles themselves are noncreature spells for something like Myth Realized That's what I was trying to exploit in my deck, but again, it never really worked 100% Hopefully yours will do better than mine : )
March 20, 2022 5:45 p.m.
i think to play it youd need to focus on how its different from mentor+pyro,
and focus on turning tokens into 3/3s.
so things like Hordeling Outburst and Dragon Fodder.
i dont have much knowledge of token generators,
id be a boomer and go the direction of Spectral Procession, outburst, and Intangible Virtue,
(Glare of Subdual would make the crappy fall-apart zombies kinda cool)
maybe do weird graveyard stuff with Haunted Dead, Hornet Queen and Persist?
i dunno, like i said im sure someone else will be more helpful in that area,
but i think focusing on mixing the prowess and token-generation aspect is what will work the best with him,
and the deck isnt gonna look like what youd expect and probably want,
but shoving a copy or two into a more traditional mentor shell probably would be fine too
March 20, 2022 9:57 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #11
Intangible Virtue really isn't modern playable. If you went all in on mentor, a cantrip becomes better. Crash Through seems dece.
March 20, 2022 10:19 p.m.
tinkered with the list a bit more today and came across two cards that really seem interesting. Hard Evidence and Gather the Townsfolk.
- They make bodies (that can get boosted by Poppet Stitcher Flip).
- Triggers stitcher/Young Pyromancer/Monastery Mentor effects.
- Makes a clue token for draw/in a pinch make 5 bodies.
also plying with the idea of Rapid Hybridization to either use as removal or target one of my own smaller tokens to gain a 3/3 out of it.
all in all its a work in progress and really appreciate you guys for helping me make improvements to this deck. so thank you!
March 21, 2022 1:16 a.m.
You could run some tech like Isochron Scepter if you run enough instants. A fun sideboard option could be Worship.
I’ll have to ponder a bit, but those are my initial thoughts from the main post.
March 22, 2022 12:05 a.m.
lagotripha says... #14
I've been thinking feel like this might kick butt as an esper or grixis list; something like Poppet Mentor But black where you just draw a lot of cards to offset a lower spell count, using zombie draw engines.
Trying to draw from cryptbreaker into paths or lightning bolts seems pretty good.
March 22, 2022 6:57 a.m.
There are actually a lot of reasons for using black and green and not just red white and blue.
Combine Chrysalis, Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Growing Ranks and so on.
I just looked at your list and actually really like it... I like the inclusion of the amass mechanic in yours.
wallisface says... #2
It's an interesting card for sure. It does have some hurdles to overcome however.
3cmc is a lot of mana for this kind of effect. By default, it'll make it pretty hard to compete with Young Pyromancer. In the 3-mana slot, it is competing directly with both Sedgemoor Witch and Monastery Mentor, both of which make more durable tokens. It feels like you need a really solid reason to be running this card over the above 3-mentioned ones... that's likely going to mean you need a really solid reason to be playing blue.
Poppet Stitcher Flip flipping between its sides can be cute, but it's also going to get annoying really quickly. Blue "spells matter" decks typically want to take things slow, because they run countermagic. In that scenario, this card then is likely to be flip-flopping every single turn, making it super awkward to profit from casting spells.
While Poppet Stitcher Flip is on its front side, the tokens it creates die after attacking, making them far less useful as a value-engine than the abovementioned 3 token-creators. And, while its on its backside, you can't produce any more tokens, effectively shutting-off your engine (and preventing itself from being able to attack!). It feels to me, that the deck you're making wants to be able to cast a bunch of spells in a single turn, flip the Stitcher, and then immediately win with the 3/3s you have. But that feels awkward, and hard to justify when you could just be playing a storm deck.
I think the card has potential to make something super casual, but that's about it. Typically, Young-Peezy style decks want to win through incremental value, and shutting off the opponents options to play (via killspells, hand-disruption, counter-magic). Unfortunately that playstyle doesn't sit well with Poppet Stitcher Flip, that will be constantly flipping to a worse version, and creating (mostly) limited-time-tokens. Trying to go down a different avenue, and fast-ball a bunch of spells all at once to win in a single turn (or 2) feels like just playing a worse version of Storm.
March 19, 2022 5:50 p.m.