Lightning Bolt or Lightning Axe?
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on July 13, 2015, 9:49 a.m. by 2npii
For most decks the answer is obviously Lightning Bolt but for my Demigod list (Budget Demigod (Sideboard Help Needed!)) I'm not sure the answer is so clear. Lightning Axe has the benefit of putting something in the graveyard on turn one (usually a Lingering Souls which I don't have the white mana to cast from hand), doing more damage (although not to players) and being cheaper. Bolt has the plus of being the best red card in modern...
Every card in the deck has some kind of synergy; it either puts stuff in the yard or wants to be put there (both in the case of Faithless Looting). It would be a shame to change that by adding bolt, but if it's the best card for the job...
Any thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated!
Named_Tawyny says... #3
Casting Lightning Axe as a turn 1 play seems iffy at best. Yes, it gets a card from hand into the yard (assuming your opponent even has a creature T1, otherwise it's dead in your hand), but at the cost of using it on a relatively minor creature. There have to be better ways to get a card there than that.
July 13, 2015 10:52 a.m.
Well yeah, a turn 1 Faithless Looting is the dream, but Lightning Axe is the best second option I can find; I'm open to other suggestions! But it can take out a turn one mana dork and set up a turn 2 Lingering Souls which is pretty handy. And if not it can either be saved until later or pitched to an Avatar of Discord if your low on discard fodder.
canterlotguardian says... #2
If you're going with a self-discard strategy then obviously Lightning Axe fits well with that, but you also have to take into consideration the one strength that Lightning Bolt has over the Axe, and it's a pretty big one: Bolt can hit players, while Axe can't. If that's not too big a thing for you, then run the Axe.
July 13, 2015 9:58 a.m.