Looking for suggestions on my mono-green token deck
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 17, 2018, 5:23 a.m. by Anagkai
I recently created the following deck: Mushroom Flood
It's for casual purposes and plays quite nicely in this context. Still I'm looking for ideas to improve. [The deck does not contain Doubling Season, Parallel Lives or Primal Vigor for budget reasons.]
Some problems I noticed were: 1) It is a bit like a house of cards. E.g. if I play a Gigantosaurus turn 3, Fungal Sprouting on turn 4 and Mycolothturn 5, I can easily get a lot of tokens fast. The problem, though is, that if anything gets taken out of the chain of action, it can get pretty bad pretty quickly. 2) Mana flood can easily happen, especially when having Caged Sun and/or Harvest Season but not Triumph of Ferocity.
There's a few cards that I will maybe take out: Shapers' Sanctuary, Jade Mage, Gravity Well and one Harvest Season. I definitely want to add a second Leyline of Vitality and a third Beastmaster Ascension. Also I'm thinking about replacing one Mycoloth with a Gigantosaurus. I also thought about adding Throne of the God-Pharaoh.
I would be really interested in what other people have to say to these thoughts but I'm also open to other suggestions. Please keep in mind, though, that this deck is for casual and that I don't wanna add really expensive stuff.
PhthisisClock says... #3
I used to have Throne of the God-Pharaoh in my Negative Creep Modern build, which is a Golgari token-generator build. I ultimately opted to drop it but I was a pretty big proponent of it for quite a while. The key is using it properly and not giving-in to the temptation to drop it too early. Throne can be a win-con if you time it out right. Best of luck!
November 21, 2018 8:11 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #4
Just found a pretty cool sequence that would be pretty easy to pull off (I think), but maybe too contrived to be worth it... have many tokens in play, cast Timbermare; all other creatures tap, swing for 5 with Timbermare; immediately after combat, cast Throne of the God-Pharaoh, inflicting damage equal to tapped creatures that you control. With enough ramp, could be played relatively early, though I haven't put much thought into specifics.
mitzy says... #2
i would cut Gigantosaurus becuase it has no connections to tokens, also consider Impervious Greatwurmas a replacement because of its convoke ability.
November 17, 2018 6:24 a.m.