Looking for types of reanimator cards
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 9, 2018, 8:29 p.m. by vasarto77
I am trying to search for cards that can go onto the battlefield if they enter your graveyard from the library. I know there must be at least a couple cards like that, and I am sure I have seen at least a few.
My deck works basically like this. I play cards like grizzly salvage and that black green creature that puts cards from your library into your graveyard, while also having cards like Goryo's Vengeance and Zombify to just flat out bring stuff out that is in your graveyard.
I am also debating on that zombie that comes from the graveyard if a land hits the field too. Anyone know cards that can go into play if they are milled into the graveyard that are black and green?
Also, general suggestions are also welcome. If you guys want, I can post a list later of what the deck currently has. Most of it is placeholders, but I feel I got most of the staples of the deck aside from powerful enough creatures to res. Some Molderhulks and two eldrazi guys. Once Goryo's vengeance form U.M drops a little bit more to like 6-8 bucks in the next two weeks I am planning on getting three more of them.
Flooremoji says... #3
Just Narcomoeba, and Creeping Chill if you don't care about creatures.
December 9, 2018 11:39 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #5
Unearth creatures like Dregscape Zombie can work, Gravecrawler can be cast from the yard, Ichorid and Nether Shadow are good enough for dredge, and Prized Amalgam will come back if anything else does.
APPLE01DOJ says... #2
Unburial Rites?
December 9, 2018 10:53 p.m.