Looking to make a green white and maybe red deck for f*n
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on March 1, 2020, 3:30 p.m. by Asian_N_Cajun
I don't play magic competetively and dont plan on it any time in the future. That is a rabbit hole I learned to stay out of after my brief stint in yugioh regionals at 13. I'm mostly just looking to make a new deck for casual matches with friends while drinking heavily.
Back in 2019 I randomly decided to buy the ajani planeswalker deck, and managed to pull Ajani Unyielding in addition to the included Ajani, Valiant Protector I was wondering if there was anything I could make that's uses both of these guys. Central strategies of the deck will revolve around the ajanis, so life gain and +1/+1 counters alongside some burn like Fling. This wont be played at any tournaments so banned cards are perfectly okay.
Cards I'm looking to use currently include Dragonlord Dromoka, the ajanis, Ridgescale Tusker, and Prey Upon. If anybody has some good reccomendations for combos, I'd appreciate it.
shadow63 says... #2
I mean if your just playing casually I'd say pick up a challanger deck or two theyr $20-$30 and play well right out of the box
March 2, 2020 6:54 a.m.