Modern Azorius Aggro?

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 7, 2020, 12:39 p.m. by Reznorboy

So, I have not played Modern in over a year and a half, and when I did, it was only for a few months, and it was when I had first learned how to play MTG, so effectively; I do not know much about Modern.

I want to try to play Modern again, and though I have an idea, it's definitely not perfect or even optimized (or even built, though I will try to post a deck here sometime soon.)

(I should also mention that I have a budget of maybe $200-$300, depending on how willing I am to spend/trade. I also have a ton of cards, because I play Commander quite a lot, but not geared towards Modern).

My idea basically revolves around Thing in the Ice  Flip. I remember people saying that it is a very good card, and it is fairly cheap, and seems efficient game-play wise and something that can be built around.

The white comes in because I want to be able to protect my Thing in the Ice  Flip from removal.

My concept is basically to run a play set of the Thing, a play set of Ephemerate, a play set of Muddle the Mixture, 3 or 4 Vesperlark, and the rest I'm not entirely sure about.

The idea is to protect the Thing and transform him during the opponent's turn with an instant. Then, if necessary, I can flicker him again to return him to his normal form to bounce everything again (hopefully after getting damage in). I can also flicker Vesperlark to revive a Thing in my grave.

The idea is I want to be bouncing opponent's stuff and getting in damage.

Generally, do you people think it is a good idea? Also, how would you improve/add to it/change it? Thank you for reading.

I'm no judge but I think blinking it resets it to Titi if its awoken horror. Also if you want protection Apostle's Blessing is great.

December 7, 2020 1:24 p.m.

Reznorboy says... #3

The point of blinking the Awoken Horror is so that if the opponent somehow manages to create a huge board again after everything is bounced, I can remove the counters again, transforming it again to bounce everything once more.

December 7, 2020 1:44 p.m.

wallisface says... #4

Yeah i don’t think you ever want to blink your own Thing, in general. You’d be better off running black spells to take the threats from your opponents hand to keep Thing safe, as well as Stubborn Denial

December 7, 2020 3:29 p.m.

wallisface says... #5

If your opponent can make a massive board state after you bounce, they’ll be able to do so regardless of how many times you bounce them. Feel safe in the fact a 7/8 is about the biggest thing you’ll see in modern (other than death’s shadow), and just keep swinging. You’ll lose too much tempo trying to mess around with bouncing your boy

December 7, 2020 3:35 p.m.

Flooremoji says... #6

I wouldn't reccomend Muddle the Mixture in your deck (or for that matter, Vesperlark and you'd need a certain deck for Ephemerate to be good)

As counterspells go, it's really bad in modern. It costs you two mana and dosen't even counter a wide variety of threats.

As Tutors go, it's even worse, since you can't transmute at instant speed you can't leave up interaction on your third turn then transmute, you just have to pray that your opponent won't do something with the free turn you just gave them.

I'm assuming you want to use Muddle to tutor for Titi, then use additional copies to protect it, but doing nothing but Titi (even with protection) on turn four is a very bad position to be in.

Most of Titi's competitive representation in modern was with the Arclight Phoenix deck pre Faithless Looting ban, where it acted as an incrediblely hard to deal with backup plan because cards that were good against phoenix were bad against Titi and vice versa but the deck could support them both well - with a ton of cantrips. Outside of Phoenix, I only really saw it as a sideboard/backup plan for a little bit then it sort of fell off and now it only sees play in pioneer Phoenix decks. More accuratley, the sideboards of izzet Phoenix lists.

Basically the point is Titi isn't a main plan, but a backup plan/ sideboard card to help defend your main plan because your deck already plays 20 cantrips or whatever.

Also, it would be pretty slow as far as aggro is concerned, even if you could automatically flip it by turn three every game which would require free spells.

It sounds like your deck idea would be better suited for a Monastery Mentor than a Titi but that would still suffer from most of the problems Titi has.

December 7, 2020 4:19 p.m.

Reznorboy says... #7

Well, I'm going to post my deck idea here soon. It, as you all have said, will most likely fair poorly. However, I might completely change the deck to something else at a later date if I feel up to it.

December 7, 2020 6:25 p.m.

TriusMalarky says... #8

Thing needs Red. Gut Shot, Manamorphose, Lava Dart are all really good ways to get extra cast triggers for no mana.

White is meh, IMO the only thing white brings to a Thing deck is Path to Exile. Black is alright with Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek, and Green has Noxious Revival and Mutagenic Growth.

Thing is GREAT, but you don't need protection spells. It does enough on flip that, against anything that uses any number of creatures, you've already got all the value you need, and protecting it is pretty much futile outside of the obligatory Remand, Mana Leak, Spell Pierce and such you may or may not be running.

December 8, 2020 4:14 p.m.

Xica says... #9

Flooremoji <
>Thats simply untrue. TiTi did see play. Before uro it was a beatstick as common as goyf, run in a pretty much all Uxx deck that didnt play goyf or involved some sort of combo like storm or Tbr +death shadow.

Various narset lock out, pyromancer, and blue moon lists run it, with decks like through the breach sideboarding it sometimes even mainboarding it. Even as a wall its a good way to stall, its bounce is effectively cryptic tap all, and in more grindy matchups its can threaten life totals.

December 14, 2020 6:22 p.m.

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