Modern Deck Help - Mono Black Eldrazi on a budget

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 15, 2018, 12:19 p.m. by captainamerica

Hey so I'm trying to build this as a Christmas gift for my brother and could use some input. I'd like to keep costs below $100. My brother really likes black and eldrazi.


Xica says... #2

Ditch Urza's Factory - its not something you want to do with eldrazi.

If you want to play black eldrazi you can take advantage of the fact that Heartless Summoning, is a harder to destroy modern legal version of the banned Eye of Ugin. If you go black you can have the acceleration of the eldrazi decks before the ban. I would advocate running 4x Eldrazi Temple alongside it, and some Vesuva for shits and giggles.

It also doesn't hurt to run some Simian Spirit Guides to be able to play Heartless Summoning on turn 1.

In general look up no banlist eldrazi and start from there.

REgarding your list i would place Platinum Angel into the sideboard as fast as i can, it can be good in certain linear matchups, when the opponent doesn't expects its, but as of now i think there are literally no decks that lack the answers for it - and you have nothing to protect it. On the other hand all those discard spells should be in the mainboard - if nothing else they will let you know what you need to sideboard against in game 2...

October 15, 2018 4:05 p.m.

Budget Eldrazi for the lazy X)

October 15, 2018 4:46 p.m.

Boza says... #4

I really recommend blue/black eldrazi, as being mono-colored really does not offer eenough eldrazi:

UB Processors

If you change up the manabase a bit, you can certainly put it under 100.

October 16, 2018 5:46 a.m.

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