Modern Lurrus Prison
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on May 28, 2020, 11:20 a.m. by TriusMalarky
So, I've been digging around for interesting Modern brews(mostly using Lurrus) and I'm wondering how one would build a Lurrus Prison deck?
I mostly need card suggestions, as I've decided that Lantern could be a fine start to the build, and I was considering running Spreading Seas for land control, but I'm not sure what else to run. I'd also prefer it to be but is fine to add if I have to. I just don't really want to have to get that kind of fixing.
TriusMalarky says... #3
Oh, that's a cool interaction. Aether Spellbomb would additionally allow board control, and those combined with Nihil Spellbomb would allow me to draw way too many cards. Mishra's Bauble, but 12 copies that also do other things, even if they cost a little more. Also beats T3feri.
Thopter Foundry and Sword of the Meek would be fun too.
Pyrite Spellbomb could be nice but I'd rather have flat bounce from Aether. Course, I do have a lot of the fixing for splash already, so I might consider tacking Red in for additional effective removal, including Pyroclasm and Galvanic Blast.
May 28, 2020 11:37 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #4
So, here's what I'm thinking:
Pyroclasm(2 copies or so)
Fatal Push(duh)
Lightning Bolt(duh)
Necrogen Spellbomb and Scroll of Griselbrand
Some Signets
Maybe Duress
Lantern of Insight and the mill friends, specifically Ghoulcaller's Bell
Thought Scour for consistency
Artificer's Intuition is a literal Survival of the Fittest here.
Ratchet Bomb because repeatable specified wraths is fun.
Shrine of Burning Rage and Shrine of Loyal Legions might be interested but their value is dubious.
Grave Peril can also control the board.
Locket of Yesterdays can help reduce mana costs of reanimating spellbombs.
I wonder if I can cast Lotus Bloom from my yard or if Lurrus of the Dream-Den doesn't allow that.
Os Mox Tantalite worth running?
Pithing Needle seems great.
Renegade Map for land draw?
hungry000 says... #2
If you're going for Lantern your biggest problem will be dealing with creatures. You don't have access to Ensnaring Bridge, so you need a splash color with good removal.
Black is fairly good at that with Push and Damnation, but White has Terminus which works well with Lantern. If you splash red you could play Seal of Fire or Pyrite Spellbomb. Spire of Industry helps a lot with mana issues.
May 28, 2020 11:32 p.m.