Modern Snow Mill?
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on June 5, 2019, 7:20 p.m. by tymaret_the_derp_king
I wanna build a modern mill deck utilising the new hedron crab(iceberg cancrix), but I don't think that shoving it in there and turning all the basics into snow basics will net enough value. Any got any ideas?
lagotripha says... #3
Iceberg Cancrix is interesting in that it can be extra copies of Hedron Crab -the question is what that means and how to use it. Crab is amazing because fetches become mill six, while cancrix still only mills two.
Scrying Sheets is a great payoff card for moving to slow, but it does point to a slower, more control deck style.
This means that non-land snow cards need to be looked at- Coldsteel Heart , Skred , Into the North , Boreal Druid , On Thin Ice , Marit Lage's Slumber , Dead of Winter , Ice-Fang Coatl , Arcum's Astrolabe & Rimebound Dead / Icehide Golem .
They don't exactly scream 'we have planned an archetype'.
I feel the most likely list you might build would be a sutai self-mill list looking to cast Splendid Reclamation / The Mending of Dominaria to put 10 lands onto the battlefield milling six cards each, with a Scapeshift backup plan. Just lots of instants, scrying sheets and hall for value and a lot of exile effects.
June 6, 2019 6:40 a.m. Edited.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #4
Unfortunately i do not think the new crab will work. lagotripha is correct Hedron Crab is just better! It mills more and triggers on fetches even on cards like Field of Ruin Hedron crab gets two triggers.
That being said a sultai deck running snow lands and fetch lands using hedron crab and lots of the new snow cards could be quite fun.
June 6, 2019 9:40 a.m.
Flooremoji says... #5
Since it only cares about snow permenants, the only snow cards worth playing would be itself, Scyrying, and Snow basics. It costs 1 more, and mills less, at the cost of playing/fetching more basics. I don't think it's worth it :)
June 6, 2019 9:14 p.m.
antacidbrn says... #6
Mill, sigh , I piloted Dimir Mill at several FNM events in 4 different states and could never achieve any better than 2-2. It does not happen at Modern speed. These decks are too fast and there is little interaction in Mill.
Think of it this way, burn decks start off with 20 life to wittle away. Mill decks have to deal with 52 cards (if you go second). So even Archive Trap, at 13 cards does not get the job done.
At this point, the best new Mill card is Ashiok whichs lets you clear graveyards and mill. Even then, at 3 mana, is too slow to close out games.
Mill will always be fun, but more of a low tier choice.
Sarkhan420X says... #2
snow lands alone won't make the Iceberg Cancrix worth the slot, and using any nonland snow permanents will just mean less space for cards that actually mill. so given the current modern card pool, i don't think its possible to build a full mill deck that abuses Iceberg Cancrix .
theres also the problem of mill in modern in general. without some sort of infinite mill combo (which i believe can be done if you still really wanna build a mill deck) you're actually just helping out any graveyard based decks. you're either beefing up a Tarmogoyf , fueling a Snapcaster Mage , dumping dredge cards or an Arclight Phoenix , and now theres Ruination Rioter that i'm sure will see play. these are important things to consider when building mill, but fortunately theres Surgical Extraction and Extirpate and other grave hate you can use
June 5, 2019 7:56 p.m.