U/B Wrath sideboard help
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 3, 2018, 8:49 p.m. by Geralf_Cecani
So I need something to side in against redrush, hate-bears, humans, coco and elves.
At first I thought Shrivel was a good monoblack replacement for Pyroclasm, however after playtesting I've seen just how important that extra point in toughness really is.
Question being, should I run Flaying Tendrils and/or Drown in Sorrow over Shrivel? I'm new-ish to modern and don't know which would better suit the metagame right now.
Eater of Tezzeret
Geralf_Cecani says... #3
Isn't Damnation a bit slow? I know its effect is infinitely better than -2/-2, but most modern decks win by turn 4 (without interaction, excepting control archetypes). If I'm on the draw, I wouldn't even be able to fire off a Damnation without a Mox Opal. I have got a sizeable interaction section but surely not enough to hold off 8-wack or similar...
September 3, 2018 9:55 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #4
I mean if 8Wack is prevelant in your meta Marrow Shards destroys it.
Okay after looking at your deck I can't understand how 18 lands seems appropriate, maybe I'm missing something? I would think with 4 kill spells (probably should be Fatal Push) and 6 counters you could survive long enough to cast Damnation assuming you're not mana screwed every game.
September 3, 2018 11:50 p.m. Edited.
Geralf_Cecani says... #5
APPLE01DOJ the Mox Opals. With Darksteel Citadel and Darksteel Relic, not to mention the plethora of 2 drops, Metalcraft isn't hard, so it's effectively a artifact land. I went with Victim of Night, because it's 2 mana, to avoid cucking myself with Chalice of the Void on one.
As for the wrath question, sweet, Shrivel really didn't cut the mustard; although I may run Languish instead as all my creatures are 5/5s :P
September 4, 2018 1:19 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #6
Yea even with Opals I don't see it. Affinity can run those numbers but they still run Springleaf Drum and have a way lower average CMC.
I don't see how you can run 4x Tezzeret and then argue Damnation being too slow. I mean this is your deck and maybe it works for you better than it appears on paper but to me I just see mana issues.
Bontu's Last Reckoning may be a better option for you.
I also feel your making your deck worse by dedicating 4 slots to MB Chalice with the intention to set it to 1. You'll certainly stop a handful of spells but you said yourself that it's forcing you to run worse spells to compensate.
September 4, 2018 10:35 a.m.
Black sun for 2 usually gets rid of or slows down alot of aggro but this was back years ago I don't know how the meta is now.
September 4, 2018 2:33 p.m.
Geralf_Cecani says... #8
APPLE01DOJ Your quite right, I've playtested it for a bit more and my lack of mana isn't just bad luck on my part. I usually have at least 3 but the fact that opal is conditional and I'm also planning to turn a couple of my lands into indestructible 5/5's isn't helping. With this in mind, I've decided to switch out the looter-scooters for Inkmoth Nexus. It's both a land AND a 5/5 flying infect in the right circumstances. (Tezzeret makes it into a creature permanently, and ensoul/touch does so until end of turn (but a surprise 5/5 infect flyer isn't something to be sneezed at))
I've had a think about victim, and realised that while Dismember is only one mana, it's CMC isn't: it also hit's pretty much everything push hits.
I like the mainboard chalice because it's an artifact, and can thus be turned into a boi. I have a bunch of slots devoted to artifacts that just hate opponents simply because they can be made into chonky lads. The chalices are simply the best hate against a blind deck: they'll probs be subbed out for more specific cards such as Damping Sphere post board
I've thought about which decks I'll need wrath for and, yea, languish doesn't really hit goyfs and Death's Shadow as hard as I'd like. Since most of my ensoul targets are indestructible, you're absolutely right in your suggestion of Damnation
6ixer black sun hit's my bois too tho :( 4 EVA. For real I'd prefer them ded than just slightly smaller, and I don't make enough mana to actually conceivably play it for anything greater than 3
APPLE01DOJ says... #2
I personally recommend Damnation. The only Aggro deck it's not good against is Spirits.
September 3, 2018 9:45 p.m.