Mono Colored Modern
Modern Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 22, 2018, 7:05 p.m. by Xica
Well i am a cheapskate. At least when it comes to paper magic. And since i managed to create a properly viable mono red homebrew, i have very hard time to convince myself to put much effort into my builds that require those pricy multicolored fetch & shock manabases - stuff like ~70$ Scalding Tarns.
My pickle is that i have this very great brew centered around Cheating into play platinum angel and protecting it - but its UR, to have access to Madcap Experiment & Glorious End
Blood Angel's Pact
Well i don't wanna spend a fortune on the mana base.
Shape Anew & Polymorph both seem to be viable alternatives for one of the key red cards.
Which one do you think is the more viable choice for the deck?
Well after a bit of dicking around i come to the following conclusions:
1# Shape Anew is enabled by Blinkmoth Nexus (and Inkmoth Nexus - may be important in case someone uses Pithing Needle) & Trail of Evidence - which creates such a nice curve that i am tempted to run Disrupting Shoal. Of course it also allows to keep cards like Snapcaster Mage & Vendilion Clique in the deck.
2# Polymorph works best with fetching for Dryad Arbor using Misty Rainforest (which is not cheap - but not as bad as tarn) - however it makes you ditch the best creatures (that also cost a fortune), for stuff like Mission Briefing - and as an added bonus it allows me to play artifacts in the main and side beside the angel - however i am not sure its wise to sideboard cards that are gonna get hit by the hate coming my way in game 2 & 3.
3# i really miss the exile clause on Glorious End
November 22, 2018 8:38 p.m.
I was probably a bit unclear why i love good old Snapcaster Mage so much over Mission Briefing - its due to its interaction with Cryptic Command - namely that it can bounce snapcaster mage, enabling me to flash back spells multiple times with the same Snapcaster Mage.
Here is the first list of the mono blue version - criticism is very welcome!
Mono Blue Platinum Prison
November 22, 2018 8:59 p.m.
Its possible, but Not of This World can only counter spells (anc abilities) that TARGET my permanents, as such its will fail to counter Wrath of God like effects, all kinds of edict effects, or recurring premanenrt based removal, like - abilities on planeswalkers (and it cant counter the walker itself)
Mono rdd also suffers from a serious lack of recursion, and lack of more than one playsrt of counterpells, nog to mention that it doesng have access to chesp shroud effect, to combat hate in gsme 2 & 3.
SynergyBuild says... #2
The deck would probably be better with a budget check/tango land base rather than mono-blue, but Polymorph is better, as it can be used to replace (sometimes) the removal spells lost when moving to this mono-blue list.
That is still a problem though, as you need token generators. Creature tokens in blue aren't impossible, thopters exist, but the cheaper ones might not be the best, as you can't flip a creature, which is commonly what the thopter is tacked onto.
You could go Shape Anew, which is a cheaper card, and run a more mono-blue control feel to the deck, with Confirm Suspicions and Press for Answers as good cards that make tokens, which also can be used for card advantage need be. The issue there is removal, which might be able to be dealt with using bounce/counter, but is more probably dealt with by toying around with stalling/counter, using tap effects or a little bounce to back it up.
Up to you though!
November 22, 2018 7:22 p.m.